Personal data and security

Verified 31 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA), represented by its director Anne Duclos-Grisier, is responsible for the processing of personal data for the website

DILA Contact Information:

26 rue Desaix, 75727 Paris CEDEX 15

01 40 58 75 00

The DILA undertakes to ensure that the processing of personal data carried out on complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act.

As the controller, DILA undertakes to take all necessary measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the information provided by the user.

The DILA implements the processing of personal data, on the basis of the public interest tasks entrusted to it (Art. 6-1-e of the GDPR), for the following purposes:

  • Creating and managing a personal account
  • Provide online storage for the public
  • Simplify the administrative procedures and formalities carried out by the public by making online services available to them, and ensure their traceability and follow-up
  • Respond to the public on any administrative questions or procedures via a contact form
  • Make the Administration's directory available to the public
  • Ensure the proper functioning of the site and improve your browsing experience

The DILA distributes a newsletter to the public based on the consent of its subscribers (Art. 6-1-a GDPR).

The data collected in the context of the implementation of each of the purposes described above are limited to what is strictly necessary.

The categories of data that may be processed according to the purpose pursued are:

  • Data relating to identification of the person
  • Data necessary for the completion of an administrative formality
  • Data relating to navigation on websites (timestamp, IP address of users, etc.)
  • Data relating to the audience measurement of the site

The DILA undertakes that your data will be kept for a period that does not exceed that necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

  • The data necessary for the creation of the account and its management and the data recorded in the personal storage space are retained while the account is active
  • The data needed to carry out an administrative procedure shall be kept until the request has been forwarded to the partner administration responsible for examining the request
  • The data collected via the contact form is kept for five years
  • The data disseminated in the directory shall be kept for as long as the public official concerned is in post
  • Log data (logs) is kept for 1 year
  • The data necessary for the production of statistics on the audience and use of online services are kept for 25 months in a format that does not allow the identification of individuals by their IP address, and include an identifier (relating to the cookie) kept for a maximum period of 6 months unless the data subject objects.

As part of the provision of online service, the DILA transmits the information collected to the partner administrations competent to instruct the steps carried out via in accordance withI decree of 24 February 2016.

The personal data contained in the directory are freely accessible to the public.

Personal data may to some extent be made accessible to DILA service providers (subcontractors as defined in the applicable regulations) under its control, for the strict needs and within the limits of their missions. These subcontractors are subject to an obligation of confidentiality and may only use the personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation and contractual provisions specifically concluded with DILA.

The DILA undertakes not to market any information and documents transmitted by the user through the website, and not to communicate them to third parties, except in cases provided by law, in particular, in case of judicial requisition.

You can access and obtain copies of your data, object to the processing of this data, have it rectified if it is inaccurate or have it erased in specific cases. You also have the right to limit the processing of your data and the right to withdraw your consent for the future at any time, if it was used as a legal basis for the processing of your data.

You can exercise your rights or obtain information concerning the processing of your personal data directly from the controller by email at the following address:

If the user is not satisfied with the response, he or she may contact the Data Protection Officer of the Prime Minister's Office at the following address: and by mail to:

Prime Minister's Office

To the Data Protection Officer (DPO)

56 rue de Varenne

75700 Paris

In any case, the user also has the right to lodge a complaint or complaint with the National Commission of Informatics and Freedoms via the following address:

In order to ensure the proper technical functioning of certain functionalities of the site, transfers of personal data, limited to what is strictly necessary, may be carried out by subcontractors of the DILA. The DILA first ensured that those transfers had an adequate and sufficient level of data protection within the meaning of the applicable legislation.

The website uses cookies (so-called “cookies”) that are placed on the user's computer, mobile phone or tablet. The complete list of third parties who deposit or read cookies on your device is available on the “cookie management” page accessible at the bottom of the site.


A "cookie" is a series of information, usually small and identified by name, that can be transmitted to your browser by a website on which the user connects. The web browser of the user will keep it for a certain period of time, and will send it back to the web server each time the user reconnects to it.

Technical cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the website

The website uses cookies that allow the website to function. They cannot be disabled, except by refusing all cookies in your browser settings. However, your user experience may be degraded.

Tableau - Technical cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the websiteCookie List




Shelf life



Stores the status of the KeyClose session

session time



Stores information about the current session

session time



SSO Management

session time

TS012e9d3d, TS01425d24


Related to load balancer safety policy

session time



Stores user consent decisions

6 months

Audience measurement cookies

Our site uses audience measurement cookies.

Some of these cookies (EULERIAN cookies) are strictly necessary for the operation and day-to-day administration of the website in accordance with Article 82 of the Data Protection Act. The deposit of these cookies does not require the prior collection of your consent. However, you can object at any time on the “Cookie Management” page.

Our site also uses audience measurement cookies that go beyond these purposes, and allow us to improve the user experience of browsing our site (AB TASTY cookies). As these cookies are not strictly necessary, they are subject to your consent during your first visit to You can change your choice at any time by going to the “Cookie Management” page.

Tableau - Audience measurement cookiesCookie List




Shelf life



Used for traffic statistics and site usage

13 months



Used by Eulerian for proper operation

1 year


AB Tasty

Used to optimize existing pages of the site or measure the effectiveness of new features

13 months


AB Tasty

Used to determine if this is a new session

30 minutes idle

Third-party cookies to improve site interactivity

The website relies on certain services provided by third parties that allow:

  • view multimedia content
  • share content on social media

These third parties may collect and use your browsing data for their own purposes. You can view the privacy policies of these third parties in the table below.

Tableau - Third-party cookies to improve site interactivityCookie List



Confidentiality rules


View videos produced by DILA and hosted on YouTube

Youtube/Google Privacy Policy


Allows site users to facilitate content sharing with Facebook social network

Facebook Privacy Policy


Enables site users to facilitate content sharing with social network X

Privacy Policy X


Allows site users to facilitate content sharing with the Linkedin social network

Linkedin Privacy Policy


To access the cookie management page, you must activate java script in your browser, then click on "cookie management" at the bottom of the page.

Cookie management

The website allows you to manage at any time the cookies placed on your computer via the “Cookie Management” page at the bottom of the page and accessible at any time during your navigation on the site. You have the possibility to choose for each cookie whether you accept or refuse the deposit of these cookies, apart from the cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site.

Your choice will be taken into account immediately and will be kept for a period of 6 months.

Browser setup

You can set your browser to notify you of the presence of cookies and to accept or reject them.

You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis or refuse them once and for all.

It is recalled that this setting may modify your conditions of access to the services of the site requiring the use of cookies. 

The setting of cookies is different for each browser and is generally described in the help menus. You can disable cookies by following the instructions of your browser: