
Booklet A: a rate reduced to 0,5 % from 1 February 2020

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Fixed at 0,75 % since 1to August 2015, the rate of booklet A will increase to 0,50 % from 1to February 2020. This is indeed what the Minister of Economy and Finance announced on January 16, 2020.

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Image 1Crédits: © ewapee -

Booklet A is a paid savings account with funds available at any time. Interest is exempt from income tax and social security levies. They are calculated on the 1to and the 16th of each month and shall be paid in a single installment on 31st December to the capital. All banks can offer it. The rate of pay in booklet A is reviewed twice a year, in January and July.

Since the reform of the calculation of the rate of the A booklet in November 2016, the rate is obtained from the average of the short-term monetary interest rates and that of the inflation over the last 6 months. Under this formula, the rate results in 0,23% but a minimum 0,5 % was planned. So this one applies.


The regulated rates of other savings books will also be changed from 1to February 2020:

  • the rate of the Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet (SDG) at 0,50 % ;
  • the popular savings book (LEP) rate at 1%..

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