2020 municipal elections

Voter card: what's the point?

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

What is the electoral map? Is it mandatory to vote? How do I get it? The second round of municipal elections is approaching and you want to know more: Service-public.fr explains.

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Image 1Crédits: © Goodpics - stock.adobe.com

The electoral map shall be issued to any person registered on the electoral roll. It is valid for all elections without limit of validity.

It must contain:

  • your name, forenames, address, date of birth;
  • your national voter ID;
  • the place and number of the polling station where you must appear;
  • it may include the signature of the mayor and the stamp of the town hall.

You must sign it.

The electoral map is not renewed every election but every 3 to 5 years, when the electoral lists are redesigned. The mayor shall establish a new one only for newly registered electors and those whose number or address of the polling station has changed and if a poll is organized before the next recast.


Young people who reach their majority are automatically registered to vote. The electoral map is usually given to them during a citizenship ceremony organized by the mayor (outside the electoral campaign periods for an election concerning the commune). Otherwise, it is sent to their home address, at the home address provided during the census.

Is the electoral map required to vote?

If the card is not required to be able to vote, it is necessary to be registered on the list of electors of the polling station where you are running and to justify identity .. The presentation of the electoral map is however recommended. It gives you information about your polling station.

How do I get it?

It is sent by the mayor to your home no later than 3 days before the election or, in the absence of a ballot, no later than April 30 of the year following the registration on the lists.

It is important to verify that the information contained in this document corresponds to your civil status. If you notice an anomaly, you can request the necessary corrections on INSEE's remote service ..

You can also do this by mail:

Insee Pays de la Loire


105 rue des Français Libres



When applying, you must have your social security number, a copy of your birth certificate and proof of identity.

What to do if you change your address?

The address of the electors on the lists of electors is the address to which the propaganda documents and the new electoral map are sent. You must therefore inform the town hall of any change of address, even if you remain in the same commune, because the Post office will not forward your card that will be returned to the town hall. You may then no longer be considered as having completed the residence requirement in order to be eligible to vote in the municipality and be removed from the electoral roll.

Please note

The cards returned by the Post Office shall be made available to the electors concerned at the polling station mentioned on the electoral map on polling day. They will be issued after verification of their registration on the electoral roll and presentation of an identity document.

Cards that have not been removed are made available, under sealed cover, to the mayor for updating the electoral lists (failure to remove an electoral map may lead to the removal of the electoral lists of the municipality).

How do I verify that you are registered?

You can find out about your polling station online and check your election situation ..

Be careful, if you did not make the registration process before the deadline of February 7, 2020, you will not be able to vote in municipal elections.

In case you were removed from the electoral roll because of a material error, it exists different ..


Citizens of the European Union eligible to vote in municipal elections must be registered on the supplementary electoral lists. They are issued with a special electoral map.

Health provision

In order to avoid contact during the election on 28 June, the electoral map will not be stamped after signing the list of electors.
