
Voting by disabled people: how?

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Persons with disabilities may vote either by going directly to the polling station or by establishing a power of attorney if they cannot travel.

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Image 1Crédits: © Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com

For those traveling to the polling station (ballot box)

Electors receive certain ballots at their homes prior to the election. This allows them to prepare their report at home as needed.

The polling stations are designed to be accessible to disabled people (buildings with ground-level access, installation of inclined planes...).

The president of the polling station must also ensure that all electoral operations are accessible (unobstructed access to the voting booth, height of the curtains but also tables or tablets in the voting booth, access to the ballot box and to the leaves of the polling station...). At least one voting booth must be accessible to people in wheelchairs.

Persons with certain disabilities who need physical assistance may be accompanied by a voter of their choice. The latter may himself vote at a polling station, or another commune. The accompanying voter may also enter the voting booth and insert the envelope into the ballot box in place of the accompanying voter. Finally, if the disabled person cannot sign the list himself, the accompanying elector signs in his place and adds the handwritten mention:

the elector cannot sign himself



Municipalities can publish a document summarizing the accessibility measures specifically put in place for voting in their municipality (transport to the polling station, devices adapted to blind or visually impaired people...).

For persons not traveling to the polling station (proxy voting)

Persons who cannot go to the polling station on election day, may proxy voting ..

They can submit their form of proxy in a public place defined by order of the prefect (and no longer only in a police station, gendarmerie, court, embassy or French consulate abroad). For the June 28 election, people who cannot travel because of the Covid-19 epidemic can ask their police station or gendarmerie to come to their home to establish their power of attorney. They indicate the reason for their inability to travel without having to provide proof.

Please note

A person protected by a guardianship measure may no longer be deprived of the right to vote for that reason. However, if the person wishes to be assisted (if he or she is physically unable to vote alone) or to vote by proxy, the person designated cannot be:

  • judicial officer in charge of his protection;
  • the owner, manager, administrator or employee of the social, medico-social and health establishment which receives and takes over the establishment;
  • home worker performing personal services.


Due to the health context, measures were taken to guarantee the safety of citizens at polling stations on 28 June 2020. The wearing of the mask is compulsory but voters may be asked to remove their mask temporarily for the purpose of verifying their identity. This obligation shall not apply to persons with disabilities who have a medical certificate justifying such a derogation if they comply with the health measures.
