Municipal elections

Error in voter registration, you can go to court until election day

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The question: I applied to register more than 7 days ago but have not received any mail since. I have checked my election status but am not registered to vote. What can I do to vote in municipal elections?

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Image 1Crédits: © Yves -

The Public Service response: If you have not received a letter and you are still not registered on the electoral roll, you can appeal to the court. Also if you find that you are removed from the electoral roll without being informed.

After you submit your application to register on the electoral list, the mayor must send you a letter within 7 days to inform you of his decision. Similarly, in the event of cancelation, he must notify you of his decision.

If you have not received mail and if after have verified your voter registration , you don't figure in it, you can know the reason for this online service and appeal to the court in two ways:

  • by mail;
  • on the spot until election day (also until the day of 2nd ballot if you were to be registered on the list of electors onto tower).

You must provide the following documents:

  • certificate issued by the town hall mentioning the material error and the non-inclusion on the lists of the municipality. This certificate can be obtained at the election office of the town hall;
  • copy of identity document;
  • proof of residence  ;
  • application to judge  ;
  • any document that allows the judge to assess the merits of your application.

Where to speak?

Court of Justice or Proximity ..

The court has until polling day to decide.


The list of electors for the election shall be published by 20e day before the election (Monday, February 24 for the municipal, community and metropolitan Lyon elections of March 2020).

Please note

It is not possible to appeal the court's decision, but it can be appealed against in cassation. An appeal in cassation must be lodged within 10 days of the date of notification of the court's decision. The appeal is not suspensive (you remain deleted or not registered). You must send a declaration by registered mail to the court registry or to the court registry of the Court of Cassation. The declaration shall include:

  • the surname, given names and address of the elector;
  • the statement of the grounds of cassation invoked;
  • a copy of the court decision.
