2020 municipal elections

Voting lists: Check online if you are registered

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You want to make sure that you are registered to vote on 2e municipal elections on sunday, june 28, 2020? Check your election situation using the online service available on Service-public.fr..

Image 1
Image 1Crédits: © GP Photography - stock.adobe.com

For check your election situation , you should simply specify:

  • if you vote in France;
  • the department code and the name of the municipality;
  • your first and last name(s);
  • your gender and date of birth.

Once all the elements have been provided and validated, you will be able to find out whether you are registered on the electoral lists of your municipality.

If the answer is yes, you will be informed of your polling station number and address.


If you are not registered on the electoral roll, you will not be able to vote in municipal elections because registration has been closed since February 8, 2020. however, register in order to vote for the next elections in 2021 ..

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