
Incitement to racial hatred: reporting, prosecution and sanctions

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

How can I report racist comments made on the internet? How can I file a complaint if I am a victim? Service-Public.fr Reminds you that incitement to racial hatred is punishable by law and explains how to seek justice.

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Image 1Crédits: @ designer491 - stock.adobe.com

L'incitement to racial hatred, it is inciting people to display hatred, violence or discrimination against individuals because of their religion or national or ethnic origin. It's a crime punishable by law. Any person who is the victim of incitement to racial hatred may file a complaint against the perpetrator of such action.

In his card, Service-Public.fr states:

  • the possibility of reporting this type of speech made on the internet (social networks, forums...) using the Interior Ministry's Pharos online service ;
  • the procedures for bringing criminal cases before the courts, in particular by associations for combating racism, assisting victims of racial or religious discrimination or defending the memory of slaves;
  • the penalties incurred (€45,000 fine and 1 year in prison for public remarks).


One insult or a defamation racially motivated offenses are different offenses but they are punishable by the same penalties:

  • €45,000 a fine and one year in prison for public remarks;
  • €1,500 fines for non-public remarks.

The law to combat hate content on the internet strengthening platform obligations was enacted on June 24, 2020.

One The online hate observatory was established by the CFS in July 2020. It is responsible for monitoring and studying hate speech on the Internet, especially on social networks (incitement to racism, terrorism, harassment...) in order to combat the

cyber hate

