Coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19)

What sanitary conditions for the second round of municipal elections?

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Organization of polling stations, wearing of the compulsory mask, provision of hydro-alcoholic gel... Two decrees issued in Official Journal 18 june 2020 adapt the electoral law to the exceptional health context, in order to secure the organization of the second round of municipal elections postponed to sunday 28 june 2020 in 4 855 communes, sectors and districts.

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Image 1Crédits: © pixarno - AdobeStock

Two decrees specify the precautions required to ensure that voting takes place in conditions that preserve the health of electors, candidates and members of the polling station. They shall include:

  • The organization of polling stations in such a way as to minimize contact and to ensure a distance of at least one meter between each person.
  • Limiting the number of electors who can simultaneously access the polling station with priority given to vulnerable persons.
    Compliance with the rules of the state of health emergency relating to the grouping of persons shall be applied, in particular with respect for barrier gestures and physical distance. Groupings will thus be possible in establishments receiving public under the conditions laid down by the decree of 31 May 2020 (prohibition of any assembly, activity, or meeting on the public highway or in a place open to the public of more than 10 persons).
  • A display recalling the obligation to wear the mask and the measures of hygiene and physical distance at the entrance of the polling station.
  • The obligation to wear the mask for electors as well as for polling station members, tellers and persons participating in the poll (also equipped with visors).
    Voters may be asked to remove their masks temporarily for the purpose of verifying their identity. This obligation shall not apply to persons with disabilities who have a medical certificate justifying such a derogation if they comply with the health measures.
  • Provision of water-alcohol gel or access to a water point with soap in all polling stations. (Note that the supply of masks, protective visors and hydroalcoholic gel to the communes and polling stations is fully covered by the State.)
  • A derogation from the obligation to stamp the electoral map after the signature of the list of electors in order to avoid contacts during electoral operations.
  • The possibility to attend the taping provided you wear a mask and respect the gestures barriers, within the limits of the capacity of the place.
  • Relaxation of proxy requirements in order to allow, in particular, a proxy to carry two proxies instead of one.

Please note

This second round is postponed in Guyana where the health situation does not yet allow it to be held and vigilance is maintained in Mayotte.


For more information on the organization of the campaign and the election, mayors and candidates can refer to the circular available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior ..
