
Cycling: everything you need to know

Publié le 28 mai 2024 - Mise à jour le 05 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You are already riding a bike or you have decided to start! But what do you need to know to ride properly? What are the possible aids? What equipment is required? What are the traffic rules on public roads? Do I need to register an electric bike? How to protect your bike from theft? Should we insure him? answers any practical questions you may have in this folder.

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Image 1Crédits: KOTO -

What are the aids?

Have you decided to change your mode of travel and buy a classic bike or an electric bike? Please note that national aid for the purchase of a bicycle is extended until 2027. This funding measure aims to encourage clean mobility. The aid now covers both new and used bicycles sold by a trader. If you do not qualify for national aid for the purchase of a bicycle or an electric bicycle, find out from the local authorities you depend on (your city, your department, your region), many local and regional authorities offer subsidies for the purchase of a bicycle. You have a problem with your electric bike, you can try to fix it through the repair bonus, a device that allows you to repair your everyday appliances at a lower cost. After this purchase, you may be able to take advantage of the sustainable mobility package. Find all the practical information on !


the Ministry of Transport proposes a computer graphics on aid for buying a bicycle.

What equipment is required?

What equipment should your bike have? Remember to take stock of your equipment to ensure your safety. Where to put your used battery? offers you a tool to find a specialized collection point for electric bike batteries.

What are the rules and penalties for infringements?

Cycling requires the driver to respect the highway code. What are the rules? What are the penalties for infringements? Do I need to register an electric bike? What are the rules for electrifying a traditional bicycle? take stock.


the Road Safety website reminds traffic rules for cyclists (tips for getting around, road signs to be aware of, traffic rules for bicycles, sanctions).


a bicycle offense can result in a fine but no point withdrawal on the car, motorcycle or heavy goods vehicle license.

How to protect your bike from theft? Should we insure him?

To combat the theft and stolen stolen bicycles, the Government has made it compulsory to mark bicycles sold by professionals. An infographic from the Ministry of Ecological Transition explains what this marking is used for. What to do if your bicycle has been stolen? How to insure your bike? Explanations with the

Learning devices

Are there any training courses to teach children the necessary learning? Know how to ride a bike and Generation Bike are 2 apprenticeship programs to raise awareness of the practice of soft mobility from the college.

What about transport?

Road safety launches an awareness campaign on the safety of children in cars and bicycles and recalls rules and good practices. But by bike is the opportunity to discover the bicycle in all its forms (MTB, BMX, city bike...). Various events (leisure, sport, tourism...) are organized throughout France throughout the month of May to promote the practice of cycling. The 4e edition takes place on 1er as of May 31, 2024. On Sunday, June 2, 2024, Ensemble à vélo organizes a big cycling party to celebrate sport in Paris.
