Coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19)

Occupational health protocol: what changes since 30 June?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

In view of the 4e The National Protocol for the Health and Safety of Workers in company of the Covid-19 Epidemic was updated on June 30, 2021 by the Ministry of Labour. What are the new measures regarding gauges in collective restoration, vaccination and moments of conviviality? Details

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Image 1Crédits: © JRC_Stop Motion -

The main changes in the National Protocol compared to the latest version of 2 June 2021 relate to:

  1. The communal catering areas. The settlement managers define the practical organisation for implementing the preventive measures recommended by the High Council on Public Health. Employees can again have lunch per group of more than 6 people. Company restaurants can accommodate 100% their capacity (instead of 50% until then). The information on the organisation and operation of company restaurants has been updated.
  2. Immunisation. Employers should encourage workers to be vaccinated by allowing them to be absent during working hours . For memory workers aged 18 and over can be vaccinated by the occupational doctors .
  3. The convivial moments. These moments uniting the employees in the face in the professional setting can again be organised in compliance with the gestures of barriers (wearing of the mask, measures of ventilation and ventilation, and the rules of separation). The 25 people are up but it is recommended that these moments of conviviality take place outside.
  4. Telework rules. Since June 9, 2021, teleworking 100% is no longer required. As of June 30, the rules do not change. It is up to the companies to set a minimum number of teleworking days per week for activities that allow for this in the context of the social dialogue.

Audio and video conferencing meetings should be preferred. In case of face-to-face meetings, employees must respect the barrier gestures (including the wearing of the mask), the ventilation and ventilation measures of the premises.


Compliance with hygiene rules and physical separation. With the resumption of activity, the return of employees to the site, all the rules of hygiene and physical distancing must always be applied.


The basis of the rules on the provision of self-tests by companies, vaccination of employees and employers, ventilation and ventilation of workplaces and the wearing of the category 1 or surgical type of master mask shall remain in force.

The employer must inform the employee of the application AllAntiCovid and the value of activating it during working hours.

There is no change for the protection of persons who are likely to contract a serious form of the Covid .

In the Public Service

A circular dated 26 May 2021 specified the conditions for a gradual return to the workplace. From 1to July 2021 2 days telework per week.


The Department of Labour proposes Frequently Asked Questions on Prevention Measures . The Department of the Public Service proposes a updated Q&A on addressing the epidemic in the State Public Service.
