Coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19)

Covid-19 vaccination: what timetable?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Vaccination is considered an essential axis of the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic. Free of charge, it began on 27 December 2020 in France following the steps recommended by the High Health Authority (HAS). Why get vaccinated? Who is concerned? What is the schedule according to the audience? How do I make an appointment at the vaccination centre? What are the security guarantees? updates Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health.

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Several decrees issued in Official Journal specify how vaccines are to be distributed, prescribed, dispensed and administered. At the press conference on 7 January 2021, the Prime Minister presented the new steps for the vaccination plan.

Why get vaccinated?

Results of studies of vaccine candidates show that vaccination significantly reduces severe forms and mortality due to the virus. Coupled with the barrier measures, the vaccine helps contain the epidemic's long-term impact.

The public concerned and the timetable for initial vaccination

As a first step:

The deployment of vaccination is being phased in with a priority given since 27 December 2020 to the public most vulnerable to the virus and most likely to develop serious forms of the disease. These include:

  • elderly people in institutions: Dependent Elderly Accommodation Facility (Ehpad), Long-Term Care Units (LTUs), Self-Catering Residences, Senior Service Residences;
  • staff who work in these establishments when they are at risk of developing a serious form of Covid-19;
  • professionals in the health (including liberal) and medico-social sectors, firefighters and home care workers aged 50 and over and/or presenting co-morbidities since 4 January 2021;
  • persons with disabilities living in specialised establishments and their staff aged 50 and over and/or with co-morbidities;
  • persons aged 75 and over living at home from 18 January 2021. Appointments to vaccination centres will be made by telephone and via the Internet from 15 January 2021;
  • vulnerable patients very high risk since 18 january 2021 who must have a medical prescription from their attending physician to benefit from vaccination without age criteria.

Since February 6, 2021:

Immunisation was open to all health and medical-social professionals, home care workers for vulnerable people and firefighters of all ages.

Since February 19, 2021:

Vaccination is open to people aged 50 to 64 who are at risk of serious forms of Covid-19, such as diabetes or obesity, and who can be vaccinated in their care facilities, including in hospitals. Since February 25, 2021, they can be vaccinated directly at a city doctor.

Since 2 March 2021, people over the age of 75 can be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine in a city doctor (specialist or general practitioner).

Since 15 March 2021, vaccination in pharmacies is possible for people over 50 years of age with co-morbidities. Patients eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine will not require a medical prescription and may go directly to the clinic.

Since 25 March 2021, all persons aged 70 and over can obtain appointments at the vaccination centre to receive the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine from Saturday, March 27, 2021. Those who are eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine can be vaccinated at a pharmacist or a city doctor (general practitioner, specialist doctor, or occupational physician).

Since April 12, 2021, people aged 55 and over, regardless of their place of life and health (with or without co-morbidities), can be vaccinated with the Vaxzevria vaccine (AstraZeneca) in a pharmacist, nurse or city doctor (general practitioner, specialist or occupational physician).

Since 16 April 2021, people aged 60 to 69 and over benefit from the extension of the vaccination campaign by Pfizer and Moderna (in vaccination centre).

From 1to May 2021, persons over 18 to 49 years of age suffering from co-morbidity(s) can be vaccinated in a vaccination centre by Pfizer and Moderna, on declaration of co-morbidity(s) and without having to present a medical prescription.

Since 10 May 2021, People aged 50 and over, regardless of their place of life and health (with or without co-morbidities), can be vaccinated in a vaccination centre by Pfizer and Moderna.

Since 12 May 2021, all 18 to 49 year olds can make an appointment to be vaccinated in the vaccination centre for injections with Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines that take place the same day or the next day.

Since 27 May 2021, all adults may make an appointment to be vaccinated in the vaccination centre for injections with Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines from 31 May 2021.

Since 15 June 2021, 12 to 17 year olds can be vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in a vaccination centre. On 24 July 2021, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) issued an authorisation for the Moderna vaccine the HAS delivered a favourable opinion on 28 July .

Since 15 September 2021, the obligation to vaccinate applies to all staff in health care institutions, shelters for the elderly (Ehpad) and establishments for the disabled and all professionals or volunteers in contact with elderly or vulnerable persons, including at home. This measure is provided for by the Law of 5 August 2021 on the management of the health crisis.

Since 15 December 2021: opening of vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 at risk of developing serious forms of Covid-19 and children living in the environment of an immunocompromised person.

Since 22 December 2021: vaccination is open to all children aged 5 to 11.


People who have already had Covid-19 receive only one injection, on the basis of a proof (PCR or antigenic test or positive serology result of at least 2 months). It is recommended that only one dose be injected to people who have been infected with Covid-19, within a minimum of 2 months of proof of contamination (RT-PCR or positive antigenic test). The single dose of vaccine will thus act as a booster.

A 3-month delay should be expected between the last dose received, completing the initial immunisation schedule, and 3e booster dose.

For people vaccinated with Janssen, regardless of age, are invited to receive an additional dose of mRNA vaccine 4 weeks after their first injection. Since 15 December 2021, this additional dose has been a condition for maintaining their vaccination certificate under the health pass. These individuals are eligible for the booster dose 3 months after this additional dose.

In order to avoid a second dose of vaccine that would not be useful, before the first dose of vaccine is injected, rapid serological screening (rapid diagnostic orientation test) can be performed for those who have not been screened as positive in the year before the injection.

Initially recommended from 2e trimester of pregnancy, vaccination of pregnant is possible from 1to pregnancy trimester. One urgent note from the Health Branch was broadcast to professionals on 30 July 2021.

The audiences concerned and the timetable for the recall campaign

From 1to September 2021, a recall campaign is set up to stimulate the immune system of the most vulnerable. The persons concerned by this recall are:

  • EHPAD and USLD residents
  • persons aged 65 and over living at home;
  • persons suffering from co-morbidity(s);
  • people with high-risk illnesses;
  • people who were vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine (4 weeks after the single injection).

Since 6 October 2021 (opinion of the High Health Authority), are also concerned:

  • healthcare professionals, all employees in the health and medical-social sectors, home care workers for vulnerable people, health transport professionals and firefighters, whatever their age;
  • relatives (over 18 years) of immunocompromised persons.

Since 27 November 2021, the vaccination recall is open to all persons aged 18 and over. The booster dose can be given 3 months after the last vaccine injection (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna or AstraZeneca) or Covid infection.

The booster dose: for whom and where?


Sanitary pass conditioned to the booster dose  :

Since 15 December 2021:

  • Individuals 65 years of age and older vaccinated with dual dose vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca) should receive their booster dose (3e dose) 7 months maximum after the last injection.
  • People vaccinated with Janssen vaccine, regardless of age, should receive their additional dose of mRNA vaccine up to 2 months after their Janssen monodose.

Since January 15, 2022:all persons over 18 years of age and one month must receive a booster dose no more than 7 months after their last injection or infection with Covid to maintain a valid vaccination certificate valid for sanitary pass.

Effective February 15, 2022, the time to keep your health pass will be reduced, you will have to do your booster dose 4 months, not 7 months, after your 2e dose or infection with Covid to have a complete vaccination plan and maintain a valid health pass.

Vaccination centres

In order to be able to vaccinate priority persons, vaccination centres are open throughout France .

On site, a very simple questionnaire to verify that vaccination can proceed normally and in good conditions will be required. It is possible to see a doctor, since there is always a doctor present at the vaccination centre. This is an intramuscular injection, in the shoulder most often. At the end of the injection, you have to stay about fifteen minutes on site for safety before you can go home.

Where do you go to get vaccinated?

You can make an appointment with your GP (general practitioner or specialist), in a nursing office, a midwife, in your place of care, in a medical laboratory or in a pharmacy. Pfizer vaccine can be injected by doctors and pharmacies since 1to October 2021.

How do I make an appointment at a vaccination centre?

You can make an appointment:

On the Internet: both appointments for both injections can be made on Health in the centre of your choice. The website is directly accessible from AllAntiCovid application .

By phone by calling:

  • the green number 0800 009 110, open 7 days a week from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, which will direct you directly to the telephone platforms of the chosen vaccination centre;
  • the vaccination centre near you where you will have found the telephone number on the site Health which provides a complete list of centres open in each department.

Please note

On the day of the appointment, you have to show up with an identity document and your vital card (or a certificate of rights) in order to give your social security number. Since January 28, 2021, a foreigner or a homeless person can be vaccinated in a vaccination centre even if they do not have a vital card.

If you have a previous positive result on Covid-19, you can present it on your first appointment. After your medical interview, your vaccination can be done in one dose of vaccine instead of two.


Vaccines are purchased by the National Public Health Agency, which provides them free of charge. In fact, a decree of 31 December 2020 provides for the full coverage of pre-vaccination and vaccination consultations, as well as the cost of injecting the vaccine. Non-insured persons benefit from an advance fee waiver.


The National Agency for the Safety of Medicinal Products and Health Products (ANSM) is implementing a specific mechanism for enhanced surveillance of the adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccines.


Health care professionals and vaccinated individuals can report any adverse events that occur as a result of vaccination on .

Barrier gestures still needed

As far as we know, vaccines that are available or in development reduce the severity of symptoms but not the contagiousness. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to isolate oneself in case of positive test, in case of contact with a positive person or in case of symptoms. We also need to continue to apply strict barrier gestures and wearing masks, even for vaccinated people.


Do you have questions about vaccination strategy, vaccines, their supply and monitoring? Appointment on Frequently Asked Questions of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health .

Please note

A decree of 25 December 2020 authorises the Ministry of Solidarity and Health and the National Health Insurance Fund to set up a processing of personal data called

SI Vaccine Covid

the purpose of which is to implement, monitor and control vaccination campaigns against the covid-19. It shall also lay down the procedures for such campaigns.
