Energy prices

Regulated electricity tariffs: what increase on 1 February?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

From 1to In February 2021, the regulated electricity sales rates of EDF and the local distribution undertakings (LECs) increased by 1.6%. Indeed, this is indicated on the website of the National Energy Ombudsman.

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Image 1Crédits: © Zffoto - Fotolia

This increase applied by EDF concerns about 23 million households. It is based on a decision of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and the Ministry of Economy and Finance published in Official Journal of 31 January 2021.

It follows the increase of 1.54% regulated electricity tariffs for individuals at 1to August 2020.


Regulated tariffs are based on energy costs, routing costs and marketing costs.
