Road Safety

Two-wheelers can no longer travel between two lines of cars

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Experimentation with the inter-line traffic (CIF) of motorcycles and scooters on certain roads in 11 French departments ended on 31 January 2021. Two-wheeled and three-wheeled motorcycles are now prohibited from driving between two lines of cars throughout France.

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Image 1Crédits: © Kara -

This experiment had been implemented since the 1to February 2016 in the 8 departments of Ile-de-France and in the Bouches-du-Rhône (13), the Gironde (33) and the Rhône (69). Only certain routes of these departments were concerned: motorways and roads with two carriageways separated by a central median and equipped with at least two lanes each, where the maximum authorised speed is equal to or greater than 70 km/h, between the lines of vehicles on the two lanes, having the same direction of traffic, the farthest left of a carriageway.

According to Road Safety, which relies on Cerema report submitted in January 2021 (Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Development) , the results of the motorised two-wheeled accident experiment are disappointing. It increased by 12% on the roads where the experiment took place but has decreased 10% on the other roads of the departments concerned.

However, this experiment reinforced the pedagogy on inter-file traffic. Thus, a second more in-depth experiment is envisaged with new elements such as the enlargement of the geographical areas concerned and new rules of movement.


Walking up a lane in two wheels will expose you to a 3 point withdrawal on your driver's licence and a 4e class, or a lump sum fine of €135.

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