
Booklet A: a rate of 0,5 % on 1 February 2021

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

The rate of booklet A is maintained at 0,50% from 1to February 2021. This is indicated by an order issued in Official Journal February 11, 2021.

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Image 1Crédits: © Unclesam -

Book A is a paid savings account with funds available at any time. Interest is exempt from income tax and social levies. They are calculated on 1to and on the 16th of each month and shall be paid at once on 31st December. They add to the capital. All banks can offer it. The rate of pay for booklet A is reviewed twice a year, in January and July.

The rate is based on the average of short-term monetary interest rates and inflation over the last 12 months (not the last 6). But the rate must not be less than 0.5%. Thus, if the rate calculated by the formula is less than 0.5%, is the floor rate of 0.5% that applies.


The regulated rates of other savings books shall also be maintained at their previous respective rates:

  • the rate of the Sustainable and Solidarity Development (LDDS) booklet to 0,50% ;
  • the rate of the Popular Savings Book (LEP) at 1%.

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