Immunisation campaign

Covid-19: Who can get vaccinated and where?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

The vaccination campaign is intensifying and opening up to new audiences. A child over 5 years old, a person who has already had Covid-19, a person with a high risk pathology or a co-morbidity... Who is concerned? General practitioners, pharmacists, nurses... new players can now vaccinate. Who should I contact to get vaccinated? How do I make an appointment at the vaccination centre? update with the Ministry of Health.

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Image 1Crédits: © Melinda Nagy -

The initial vaccination scheme for the general public

Seeinformation on the persons concerned on the Ministry of Health website.


  • People who have already had Covid-19 receive only one injection, on the basis of a justification (PCR test or positive serology result of more than 2 months).
  • In order to avoid a second dose of vaccine that would not be useful, before the first dose of vaccine is injected, rapid serological screening (rapid diagnostic orientation test) can be performed for those who have not been screened as positive in the year before the injection.
  • Initially recommended from 2e trimester of pregnancy, vaccination of pregnant is now possible from 1to pregnancy trimester. One urgent note from the Health Branch was broadcast to professionals on 30 July 2021.
  • For certain professions, vaccination is mandatory .


Four vaccines are authorised in France (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen/Johnson&Johnson). Each has different properties of transport and conservation, which condition the places where they can be administered. Based on the information available on each of these vaccines, the High Health Authority It has also formulated opinions that have led to the provision of the most appropriate vaccine for each target population, particularly for their age.

Reminder Campaign

From 1to September 2021, a recall campaign is set up to stimulate the immune system of the most vulnerable. The persons concerned by this recall are:

  • EHPAD and USLD residents
  • persons aged 65 and over living at home;
  • persons suffering from co-morbidity(s);
  • people with high-risk illnesses;
  • People who have been vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine.

Since 6 October 2021, following the opinion of the High Authority for Health of 6 October 2021, are also concerned:

  • healthcare professionals, all employees in the health and medical-social sectors, home care workers for vulnerable people, health transport professionals and firefighters, whatever their age;
  • relatives (over 18 years) of immunocompromised persons.

Since 27 November 2021, further to the measures announced by the Minister of Health on November 25, 2021: all persons 18 years and over.

Since 24 December 2021, following the opinion of the High Authority of Health of 24 December 2021, young people aged 12 to 17 who are immunocompromised or have a high-risk pathology or co-morbidity are also concerned.

Since 28 December 2021following the measures announced by the Minister of Health on December 27, 2021, the booster dose may be achieved from 3 months after the last vaccine injection or Covid infection. For people who are immunocompromised, medical advice is recommended.

The booster dose: for whom and where?

How do I make an appointment at a vaccination centre?

You can make an appointment:

On the Internet: both appointments for both injections can be made on Health in the centre of your choice. The website is directly accessible from AllAntiCovid application .

By phone by calling:

  • the green number 0800 009 110, open 7 days a week from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, which will direct you directly to the telephone platforms of the chosen vaccination centre;
  • the vaccination centre near you where you will have found the telephone number on the site Health which provides a complete list of centres open in each department.

You can also make an appointment with your GP (general practitioner or specialist), nurse, place of care or pharmacy.

Pfizer vaccine can be injected by doctors and pharmacies since 1to October 2021.

Please note

On the day of the appointment, you have to show up with an identity document and your vital card (or a certificate of rights) in order to give your social security number. Since January 28, 2021, a foreigner or a homeless person can be vaccinated in a vaccination centre even if they do not have a vital card.

If you have a previous positive result on Covid-19, you can present it on your first appointment. After your medical interview, your initial vaccination can be done, two months after Covid-19 infection, in one dose of vaccine instead of two.
