Covid-19 vaccination

A vaccination certificate that can be imported into TousAntiCovid Carnet

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

As of May 3, 2021, anyone who is vaccinated against Covid-19 may request a certified vaccination certificate from the health care professional in paper format at the time the vaccine is administered. This certificate includes a QR Code that allows to record his vaccination in the AllAntiCovid notebook. This is a first step towards



digital green certificate

European. What does this certificate include? How do I get it? How do I import it into AllAntiCovid? explain.

Image 1
Image 1Crédits: © Dila

What does this certificate include?

The vaccination certificate shall contain the following data:

  • identification of the vaccinated person;
  • name of the vaccine for the last injection;
  • date of last injection and vaccination status.

It also includes 2 electronic stamps:

  • Datamatrix, a kind of QR Code that authenticates the document via the 2D-DOC standard used by the French administration to certify its documents;
  • the QR Code that you can scan with your mobile phone to record the certificate in the


    of the mobile application TousAntiCovid.
Infographie - null
Example of vaccination certificate
Example of vaccination certificate
Crédits : © Ministry of Solidarity and Health

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Here is an example:


This vaccination certificate is produced from the Vaccin Covid online service launched on January 4, 2021 by the Health Insurance, from which the health professional could already download the vaccine synthesis to be delivered to the patient.

How do I get my certificate if I was vaccinated before May 3, 2021?

This online service of Health Insurance will retrieve your old vaccination certificates. It is intended for beneficiaries of a French health insurance scheme. To sign in with FranceConnect, you will need your access codes to your ameli account, your msa account or your tax space.


If you are not a beneficiary of a French health insurance scheme (for example, you are a European living in France), you do not have access to this online service. To get your certificate, you must go to your vaccination centre or go to the doctor authorised to vaccinate. But be careful, you must have kept your file number generated at the first entry and shown on the summary that has been given to you.

If you are French foreigner, a The system was set up to allow French expatriates vaccinated outside the European Union to obtain a valid health pass in France and in the European area .

How do I import my certificate into "TousAntiCovid Carnet"?

To store your vaccination certificate in the application, simply scan the QR Code located to the right of the paper certificate that was given to you by the healthcare professional during your vaccination.

If you need help importing your certificate, you can view the application's Q&A


, accessible via

About - Contact Us

. You can also call the helpline at 0 800 08 71 48 (7/7 days from 9 am to 8 pm).

Please note

You haven't settled yet


on your mobile phone? You can download the app for free from AppStore or Google Play Store.


You can also import your test results into

AllAntiCovid Notebook

. Just follow the procedure when you receive an SMS from the SI-DEP portal.

What's it for?

This certificate is one of the 3 pieces of evidence (negative test certificate, Covid-19 recovery certificate and vaccination certificate) constituting sanitary pass which incorporates two devices:

  • sanitary pass


    which provides access to certain venues receiving public service until 15 November 2021;
  • sanitary pass


    implemented under the EU Digital Covid certificate and border health control. Since 25 June 2021, it is possible to download its certified vaccination certificate in accordance with European standards, in bilingual version (English-French) online service of Health Insurance . This certificate shall form part of the evidence authorised to travel within the European Union from 1to July 2021.

Once imported into AllAntiCovid Carnet, when you display it in full-screen mode, you have access to two tabs




. You can then present the corresponding certificate in the places where it is required.
