Coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19)

Where is the health pass required?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

From June 9 until November 15, 2021, a health pass is put in place to accompany the French back to normal life while minimising the risk of contamination. Since July 21st, it is necessary to access places of leisure and culture that welcome at least 50 people. Starting August 9, 2021, it becomes mandatory in cafes, bars, restaurants, shopping centres, retirement homes and long-distance transportation. explains the terms.

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Image 1Crédits: © galitskaya -

The sanitary pass includes two devices:

  • health pass


    which allows access to certain places receiving public access is applicable until 15 November 2021;
  • health pass


    shall be implemented within the framework of

    digital Covid certificate

    and border health control.

The CNIL gave its opinion on the changes introduced by the law on the management of the health crisis on 9 August 2021.

What is the "activities" health pass in France?

In France, for access to places and events where a health pass is required, the time limit to obtain it is now 7 days after vaccination, except for the Janssen vaccine.

The health pass consists of presenting, in digital format (via

My Booklet

of AllAntiCovid application ) or paper, proof of non-contamination of the Covid, among the following 3 (one of these 3 proof is enough):

  1. The vaccination certificate , provided that persons have a complete vaccination scheme:
    • 1 week for activities in France after 2e injection for dual injection vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca);
    • 4 weeks after injection for single injection vaccines (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson);
    • 1 week for activities in France after the injection of the vaccine in people who had Covid-19 (only 1 injection).

    Since May 27, all vaccinated persons can recover their vaccination certificate on the Health Insurance Portal by connecting via France Connect . In addition, any health care professional can find a vaccination certificate and print it out if a person requests it.
  2. Proof of negative RT-PCR, antigenic or self performed under the supervision of a health professional of less than 72 hours maximum. All PCR and antigenic tests generate proof as soon as the result is entered by the professional in the SI-DEP database, which can be printed live and which is also made available to the patient via an email and an SMS to go and retrieve it on SI-DEP .
  3. The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of Covid, dating from at least 11 days and less than 6 months. It allows to indicate a limited risk of reinfection to Covid-19. The process to retrieve its positive test evidence is the same as for negative tests via SI-DEP.


In territories where variants circulate strongly, the permitted tests may be limited to RT-PCR or certain antigenic tests.

Please note

The time limit is strict when entering the event or boarding site (no flexibility at 2 or 3 days).

Contraindications to vaccination

In case of contraindications to vaccination, it is possible to ask your doctor for a medical certificate that serves as a health pass. The contraindications to vaccination are:

  • allergy to any of the vaccine's components (including polythene-glycols);
  • anaphylactic reaction at least grade 2 to a first injection of the vaccine after allergic expertise;
  • episodes of capillary leakage syndrome (contraindication for Janssen and Astrazeneca vaccines);
  • post-covid-19 paediatric multisystemic inflammatory syndrome (PIMS);
  • a recommendation made after multidisciplinary medical consultation not to take the second dose of vaccine following the occurrence of an adverse event of severe or severe intensity attributed to the first dose of vaccine (e.g.: the occurrence of myocarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome ...);

and these two temporary contraindications:

  • anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody treatment;
  • myocarditis or pericarditis occurring prior to vaccination and still evolving.

How does this health pass work?

In numeric format: integrate its evidence into TousAntiCovid Carnet

Each user can integrate their scanned evidence into the


AllAntiCovid application for easy storage and presentation of certificates for travel or events where a health pass is required. It is also possible to store evidence for your children or other relatives.

Please note

A guide to retrieve and store your test and vaccination certificate is also available in the AllAntiCovid FAQ.

Paper format

It is also possible to use the health pass in paper format by directly presenting the various documents requested (test or vaccination certificate).

Who's he talking to?

It concerns all persons over the age of 18. For teenagers aged 12 to 17, the health pass will apply from September 30, 2021.

Foreigner tourists must also comply with the obligation to pass in the places where it is in force. Since August 5, 2021, the British certificate gives access to the health pass in France.

Who can ask me for my health pass and what data is available?

To manage the verification of the health pass, the proof documents (paper or digital) have a QR code that can be flashed using the application TousAntiCovid Verif by the operators of the establishments receiving the public or organisers of events concerned by the pass.

This application will have the minimum reading level with just the information pass valid/invalid and name, without further disclosure of health information.

Technical work is also underway to interface the sanitary pass with ticketing software.

The places concerned

Until July 20, 2021, the health pass was mandatory to participate in events hosting more than 1,000 people where brewing the public is more at risk from health: large concert halls, sports or cultural events, festivals, fairs and lounges.

Since July 21, 2021, a health pass is required to access all events or places that receive at least 50 people. These are all places for cultural, sports and leisure activities as well as trade fairs or trade shows.

In detail, the places concerned are:

  • auditoriums, conference rooms, projection rooms, meeting rooms;
  • capitals, tents and structures;
  • concert and performance rooms;
  • cinemas;
  • festivals (sitting and standing);
  • closed and covered sporting events;
  • outdoor facilities (sports fields, stadiums, swimming pools...);
  • game rooms, escape-games, casinos;
  • places of worship when hosting cultural activities (concerts, shows);
  • fairs and lounges;
  • zoos, amusement parks and circuses;
  • museums and temporary exhibitions;
  • libraries and documentation centres (except university and specialised libraries, the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Bibliothèque publique d'information hors spaces d'expositions);
  • cultural events organised in higher education institutions;
  • fairgrounds with more than 30 stands or attractions;
  • any event, cultural, sporting, playful or festive, organised in the public space and likely to give rise to a control of access for persons;
  • ships and cruise ships with accommodation;
  • discotheques, clubs and dancing bars, whatever the number of guests at the hotel.

From 9 August, the threshold of 50 persons disappears and the health pass is required for adults in:

  • cafés, bars and restaurants (except company restaurants and takeaway), indoors or on the terrace;
  • professional seminars with a threshold of 50 persons which continue to apply when these seminars take place outside the company site;
  • department stores and shopping centres over 6566 ft2 (by decision of the prefect because of his sanitary conditions). Checking will be done at the entrance of the shopping centre, not at each sign in the centre;
  • hospitals, retirement homes, medical and social institutions for accompanying persons, visitors and patients who are received for scheduled care (unless the head of service or, in his or her absence, a representative of the medical or health-care services, decides otherwise, when the requirement of the supporting documents is such as to prevent access to the patient's care within a time frame appropriate for the proper care). It is not required in children's medical and social facilities or self-catering homes. The pass cannot be requested in case of medical emergency;
  • aircraft (domestic flights), trains (TGV, Intercity, night trains) and interregional buses not approved for long distance journeys. Other modes of transport, including public transport, are excluded from the application of the pass.

The pass will not be mandatory for teenagers aged 12 to 17 yearsfrom 30 September 2021.

Since August 9, 2021, the wearing of the mask is no longer mandatory for persons with a health pass in the places where it is required. However, the organiser, the operator and the Prefect may make this mandatory. Thus, in aeroplanes, coaches and TGVs, the mask must continue to be worn. Staff working in these establishments are not affected by this exemption from wearing masks.


The health pass requirement for workers working in these places is effective only from 30 August 2021 but from 7 August for workers working in the health and medical-social sectors. They have until September 15, 2021 to be vaccinated, or until October 15, 2021 if they have already received a first dose of vaccine.


Failure to show your pass may result in a minimum fine €135. If 2e a fine of €1,500 maximum. If this happens more than 3 times in 30 days 6 months imprisonment and €3,750 fine. Fraudulent use of a health pass is punishable by a minimum fine €135. In case of presentation of a new health pass that is not his or her own within 15 days of the 1re verbalisation, the minimum amount €200.

Traders and professionals who do not check the pass are liable to a formal notice and a possible temporary closure of the establishment, then in case of 4 verdicts within 40 days to a sentence of one year in prison and a fine of €1 000 and up to €45,000 for legal persons from 5e verbalisation.

Travel Pass

From 1to July 2021, to travel within the European Union, you must submit 

EU Digital Covid certificate

which includes evidence of vaccination, negative testing of less than 72 hours or recovery of Covid-19 of more than 11 days and less than 6 months in the European format. The QR Code present on

sanitary pass

French can be read anywhere in Europe, directly in the TousAntiCovid application.

For travel, the complete vaccination scheme is the same as for the health pass



As of the week of 12 July 2012, checks will be stepped up for nationals from countries at risk, with compulsory isolation for unvaccinated travellers.

States may also establish additional health measures if they are necessary and proportionate (testing, quarantine...). The Travel Tips allow you to learn about any restrictions applied by the countries you wish to visit.


The negative and positive RT-PCR and antigenic test results and vaccination certificates have been in the European format since 25 June 2021.


The health pass does not exclude the application of barrier gestures and physical distance.

Any other questions?

On the health pass: you can view government frequently asked questions or call 0 800 130 000 (free call, open 24/7).

On the evidence of testing (positive or negative), vaccination carried out at the foreigner or the AllAntiCovid app: call 0 800 08 71 48 (free call, 9 am to 8 pm and 7 days a week).
