Partial Activity

Partial unemployment: what future changes?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Since deconstruction, economic activity has been steadily increasing in most business sectors. Implemented to avoid redundancies resulting from the downturn in activity linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, the partial activity framework evolves to take account of this upturn. From 1to July 2021, employees will receive a 72% (instead of 84%) of net salary. Employees of companies in sectors most affected by the crisis and those of administratively closed companies will continue to receive compensation equal to 84% of net salary until 31 August 2021.

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General case: decrease in compensation on 1 July

In the absence of a LRPA, employees in companies which are not closed by administrative decision and those which do not belong to the sectors most affected by the crisis continue to receive compensation corresponding to: 70% of their gross wages per non-working hour, i.e. 84% of the hourly net wage with a minimum of €8.11 and a maximum of €32.29 per hour.

From 1to in July 2021, they will receive compensation equivalent to 60% their gross previous remuneration (72% of their net remuneration) with a minimum of €8.11 and a maximum of €27.68 per hour.

Their employers have an allowance rate of 52% from 1to June 2021 (instead of 60% up to that point) then 36% from 1to July 2021.

Maintenance of compensation in protected areas and in establishments closed administratively or restricted

Until August 31, 2021, you continue to receive benefits from your employer 70% your previous gross remuneration (approximately 84% of your net remuneration) if you work:

  • in a company in the


    , i.e. the sectors most affected by the crisis listed in annexe 1 to the decree of 29 june 2020 (e.g. tourism, culture, transport, sport, events):
  • in a company within the sectors listed in annexe 2 to the decree of 29 june 2020 , whose activity depends on that of the preceding sectors and which has suffered a very sharp drop in turnover of at least 80% during the period from 15 March to 15 May 2020;
  • in an establishment that is administratively closed to the public or located in a territory subject to special restrictions (curfew for example) and that suffers a drop in turnover of at least 60% ;
  • in an establishment located in a ski resort catchment area and experiencing a drop in turnover of at least 50% if the cable cars and lifts are closed.

This allowance may not be less than €8.11 net, not greater than €32.29 per nonworking hour.

The following changes are then planned:

  • For employees in companies most affected by the health crisis, the allowance will be reduced to 60% their gross previous remuneration (72% their net remuneration) to 1to September 2021.
  • For employees of companies that would continue to be subject to restrictions and whose turnover would be affected, this reduction in the allowance to 60% their gross prior remuneration will be paid onto November 2021.


The allowance paid by the State to the employer will evolve as follows:

  • in protected areas: from 1to July 2021, 70% to 60% gross hourly remuneration and 52% 1to 31 August 2021 and 36% from 1to September 2021;
  • in establishments closed administratively or subject to restriction: it shall remain at 70% gross hourly earnings to October 31, 2021.
