Legislative 2024

You have a disability, how to vote in the general elections?

Publié le 26 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Accessibility, power of attorney, caregiver... Parliamentary elections will be held on June 30 and July 7, 2024. People with disabilities can vote, either by going directly to the polling station or by establishing a power of attorney if they cannot travel. Service-Public.fr explains.

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Image 1Crédits: © Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com

If you go to the polling station

Polling stations must be obligatorily accessible to all as provided for in the electoral code. They are designed to be accessible to people with disabilities, and the president of the polling station must ensure that all electoral operations are accessible:

  • buildings with ground-level access;
  • installation of inclined planes;
  • clear access to the voting booth, ballot box and sign-in sheets;
  • at least one accessible voting booth for persons in wheelchairs;
  • access to voting ballot box and sign-in sheets;
  • etc.

Some ballots are sent to your home before the election. You can thus prepare your newsletter at home if necessary.

Please note

if you need physical assistance, you can have you accompanied by a voter of your choice. The latter is not necessarily from the same polling station or the same commune. He can also enter the voting booth and insert the envelope into the ballot box for you.

If you cannot sign the sign-in list yourself, the accompanying voter signs in your place and adds the handwritten note: "the voter cannot sign himself".

If you can't go to the polling station

If you cannot go to the polling station on election day, you can vote by proxy.

If you cannot go to the police station or gendarmerie brigade because of serious illness or disability, you can have a judicial police officer or officer travel to your home (or in a specialized institution such as an Ehpad) to establish or terminate a power of attorney.

This request must be made by mail, telephone or email. A simple statement on your honor stating that you are clearly unable to travel must be presented. No medical certificate or other written evidence is required.

Please note

The guardian adult shall personally exercise his or her right to vote, for which he or she cannot be represented by his or her guardian. He may not give power of attorney to any of the following:

  • authorized representative in charge of its protection;
  • natural person who is an administrator or an employee (employee or volunteer) in the host establishment in which he or she is present;
  • home-based employee.
