
Regulated gas prices: + 9,96 % on 1 July 2021

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

The regulated prices for the sale of Engie gas increase by 9.96% on average at 1to July 2021 against the scale applicable since 1to June 2021. This was indicated by the Commission for the Regulation of Energy (CRE) in a deliberation of 24 June 2021.

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Image 1Crédits: © razorconcept - Fotolia.com

The evolution of the subscription of the different prices (cooking, cooking and hot water, heating) is not yet communicated.

This increase is due in part to higher world prices as a result of the economic recovery,

knowing 99% gas consumed in France is imported. It is also due for more than 2% the participation of gas in the energy transition (ECE scheme)

, the CRE indicated in a press release dated 25 June 2021.


Customers who have entered into a fixed-market contract are not affected by reductions or increases in the regulated tariff during the term of their contract.


Customers who have signed a contract at the regulated rate benefit from it up to 1to July 2023, when regulated natural gas sales rates will be removed for individuals.
