European Covid Certificate

The sanitary pass becomes European from 1 July

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Are you vaccinated, cured or tested negative in Covid-19? With the harmonisation of the European health pass from 1to July 2021, you can travel freely in Europe. Title

EU Digital Covid certificate

, it includes all evidence of vaccination, negative testing or recovery. From 1to July 2021, the QR Code present on the French sanitary pass can be read everywhere in Europe, directly in the application TousAntiCovid.

Image 1
Image 1Crédits: © Health Insurance

What is the EU Digital Covid certificate?


EU Digital Covid Certificate

, this health pass contains evidence of non-contamination of Covid, among the following 3 (one of these 3 proof is enough):

  • QR codes the vaccination certificate, provided that people have a complete vaccination plan:
    • 1 week for activities in France after the 2nd injection for double injection vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca);
    • 4 weeks after injection for single injection vaccines (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson);
    • 1 week for activities in France after the injection of the vaccine in people who had Covid-19 (only 1 injection).
  • The QR code for a negative RT-PCR test of less than 72h maximum or antigenic less than 48h maximum.
  • The QR codes for a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of the Covid, dating from at least 11 days and less than 6 months.

European travellers can present the

QR Code

from the certificate to the border police or airlines without regard to the language in which the certificate is written. A green or red light will indicate whether the traveller can enter the territory or not.

It is also possible to present a paper version of the certificate.

This certificate is recognised in all EU Member States and six other countries (Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland), but the rules of entry and exit remain specific to each country. Check the rules set by the destination country on Travel tips Department of Foreign Affairs.



EU Digital Covid certificate

is the European standard established by the European Commission for the issue, verification and acceptance of vaccination certificates, negative test results or documents attesting that a person has been restored from a previous Covid-19 infection. It shall enter into force in all Member States from 1to July 2021, with a six-week transition period. If a Member State is not yet ready to issue the new certificate to its citizens, other formats may still be used in border health checks and will have to be accepted in the other Member States until 12 August 2021 (e.g. a paper-based vaccination certificate).

How to retrieve the QR code of your vaccination certificate in European format?

Since 25 June 2021, vaccination and test certificates have been available in the European format.

To get your European vaccination certificate, go to Health Insurance online service Title

EU Digital Covid Certificate

, it shall contain a QR code and the part, vaccination certificate, shall include information relating to the vaccination carried out: vaccine administered, number of doses, date and country of vaccination.

This online service is intended for beneficiaries of a French health insurance scheme. To sign in with FranceConnect, you will need your Ameli account access codes, your MSA account or your tax space.

To download your vaccination certificate into the application


, go to

My Booklet

, select 

Add Certificate

and scan the QR code at the top right of the certificate (printed document or pdf on the screen).

If you can't scan the QR code, just take a photo of your vaccination certificate with your smartphone. Then you can present this photo if you need it. QR codes will be readable in the same way as if they were in the AllAntiCovid notebook.

To travel to Europe, it is necessary to retrieve the vaccination certificate in the European format.

Please note

if you need help importing your certificate, you can view the application's question and answer 


, accessible via

About - Contact Us

. You can also call the helpline at 0 800 08 71 48 (7/7 days from 9 am to 8 pm).


If you are not a beneficiary of a French health insurance scheme (for example, you are European living in France), you do not have access to this online service. If you have been vaccinated in France, to receive your vaccination certificate, you must go to your vaccination centre or go to a doctor or pharmacist authorised to vaccinate with the summary entitled

Data transmitted to Health Insurance

with identifier 

patient code

. This code will allow you to find yourself in the Vaccin Covid database.

How to retrieve the QR code from your Covid test in European format?

To retrieve the negative or positive test certificate, just log on to the platform with your FranceConnect credentials or click on the link sent by email or SMS.

All PCR and antigenic tests generate proof as soon as the result is entered by the professional in the SI-DEP database, which can be printed live and which is also made available to the patient via an email and an SMS to go and retrieve it on SI-DEP.

This certificate includes identification data (name, date of birth) and screening information (date and type of test, negative or positive result) and a QR code that you can scan and import into the TousAntiCovid Carnet application.

The result of a positive RT-PCR test valid as proof of recovery of the Covid must be at least 11 days and 6 months old in France. This period may vary according to the destination country. Check the rules set by the destination country on Travel tips Department of Foreign Affairs.

Please note

If you have already downloaded your QR Code in the TousAntiCovid Carnet application, an update was made on 1to July 2021, you can easily convert your pass to the French "2D-DOC" format to the European one.


It is also possible to use the sanitary pass in paper format by directly presenting the various documents requested (test or vaccination certificate).
