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School insurance: is it mandatory?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Upon re-entry, a school insurance certificate is requested by your child's school, middle school or high school. Is it useful to take out such insurance? Is it essential or even mandatory? What exactly does it cover? answers you.

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Image 1Crédits: unguryanu -

Insurance is optional for all compulsory school activities, i.e. those included in the pupil's schedule. Example: a trip to the swimming pool or the gym.

However, it is mandatory if your child:

  • participates in optional activities organized by the establishment: visit of a museum, language stay, discovery classes...
  • frequents the canteen;
  • participates in activities organized by the municipalities after school time (supervised studies, cultural or sports activities).

School insurance covers both damage caused by the child (civil liability) and damage that the child may suffer (personal accident insurance).

For more details on the guarantees covered and how to subscribe to school insurance, see our factsheet What is the purpose of school insurance?


These rules apply only to public institutions. Private institutions set their own insurance rules, which you should know when registering your child.

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