Higher education

University: launch of action plan against sexual and gender-based violence

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

A national action plan against gender-based violence in higher education and research was launched on October 15, 2021 to ensure that

fear changes sides

, said the Minister of Higher Education. Massive training plan, reinforcement of reporting mechanisms, reinforced communication, valorization of student and staff commitment, Service-Public.fr provides you with an overview of the main points of this national action plan.

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Image 1Crédits: © Fotolia.com - Bruno Bernier

The national action plan against gender-based violence in higher education and research comprises 21 measures based on four main axes:

  • A massive training and awareness plan for the entire higher education and research community.
  • Strengthening of reporting systems and their operation.
  • Stronger communication: prevent, care, know better.
  • Valuing the commitment of students and staff.

Massive Training and Awareness Plan

This training and awareness plan on gender-based violence for the entire higher education community includes:

  • training sessions, with particular attention to doctoral training, for members of reporting systems and disciplinary sections. These will be held in person once a month from October 2021 to July 2022;
  • sensitizing university presidents and school directors on gender-based violence;
  • training and awareness-raising for the student community, which is particularly committed to these issues: online training modules, specific training courses for elected students and community leaders. All these training courses must take into account periods spent outside the institutions: internships and alternances, mobility abroad.

Strengthening signaling devices and their operation

Reporting mechanisms will be strengthened:

  • creation of a specific unit within the ministry to support institutions and associations in dealing with situations (psychological care for victims, support for them to lodge complaints);
  • increase in reporting and listening points, through the establishment of partnerships with national care structures: the National Federation of Information Centers on the Rights of Women and Families (FNCIDFF) and 3919 in particular;
  • support for the establishment of structured, sustainable and visible arrangements within all institutions by launching calls for projects with financial support from institutions as from 2021;
  • establishment of a specific structure, in conjunction with the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, for training in the health sector affected by the violence.

Enhanced communication

Enhanced communication to better prevent, feel involved, know better:

  • development of a platform to identify devices within a national map, accessible to all;
  • launch of a national communication campaign on the concept of consent;
  • improving accessibility and visibility of existing facilities: presentation as soon as the university returns, information available in english for international students, mention in the rules of procedure of all institutions.

Valuation of the commitment

Valuing the commitment of the student community and staff:

  • support for projects carried out by the student community in the field through calls for projects launched by the ministry;
  • creation of a prize on combating gender-based violence within the framework of the Ministry of Higher Education's student initiative prize;
  • support, develop and enhance the functions of equality missions.


Drawing on the reflections of a working group set up in spring 2021, composed of the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry for Gender Equality, conferences of colleges and universities, and hearings of student and trade union organizations, this national plan is endowed with €7 million for the period 2021-2025.
