Health and Safety

Occupational Health Protocol: What are the developments as of 28 February 2022?

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In order to limit the risk of exposure of employees to Covid-19, the national protocol for ensuring the health and safety of employees in company is the reference document. The company health protocol was updated on 28 February 2022 by the Ministry of Labour to take into account the alleviation of certain health measures. The main change is the end of the requirement to wear a mask in places and establishments subject to the vaccination pass.

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Image 1Crédits: © JRC_Stop Motion -

To take into account the improvement of the epidemic situation, the national protocol to ensure the health and safety of employees in company in response to the Covid-19 outbreak was updated on 28 February 2022.

The main development of this new version is the removal of the requirement to wear the mask to access establishments, places, services and events subject to the vaccination pass. However, the wearing of the mandatory mask is maintained in transport, even when the vaccination pass applies to it.

Please note

The company health protocol will cease to apply from Monday, March 14, 2022, the date on which the obligation to wear the mask in enclosed places will be lifted and the vaccination pass in all the places where it is required (restaurants, bars, discotheques, cinemas, theatres, theatres, stadiums, fairs, etc.).

Establishments receiving public and subject to vaccination pass

As of 28 February 2022, persons accessing establishments, places, services and events subject to the vaccination pass, including professionals subject to the vaccination pass who are active there, are no longer required to wear a mask. These are the cultural places like cinemas, museums, concert halls, places of leisure and conviviality like bars, cafés and restaurants.

However, the wearing of the mask may be made mandatory by the prefect of the department when local circumstances warrant it.

The wearing of the mask is maintained on public transport, even when the vaccination pass applies to it. This is the case for long distance journeys by interregional transport.


As of February 2, 2022, the use of teleworking is recommended: employers shall, in the framework of the social dialogue at work, lay down the procedures for using telework, ensuring that links within the working group are maintained and that risks linked to the isolation of employees in telework are prevented.

The National Interprofessional Agreement (NCA) of 26 November 2020 for a successful implementation of teleworking provides the framework of reference.

Face-to-face meetings

Audio and video conferencing meetings should be preferred. When held face-to-face, participants must respect the barrier gestures, including the wearing of the mask, the ventilation and ventilation measures of the premises, and the rules of physical separation.

The employer may define a 


specifying the number of persons who can be present simultaneously in the same closed space so that the separation rules can be respected.

Moments of conviviality

Friendly moments, especially for employees in the workplace, can be organised in strict compliance with the barrier gestures, in particular the wearing of the mask, the ventilation and ventilation measures and the rules of physical separation between the guests: one metre when people wear a mask, 2 metres when the mask cannot be worn.

Some measures introduced on 25 January 2022 are still in force in the Protocol. Other provisions of this Protocol, which deal with mask wearing, physical separation and prevention of contamination by aeration and disinfection, are still in force.

Mandatory vaccination pass for certain staff

Since January 24, 2022, the vaccination pass is mandatory for persons working in places, establishments, services or events where it is required for customers and users.

For more information on the professionals and places involved, see the article Which professionals must present their vaccination pass since January 24, 2022?


the law of 5 August 2021 on the management of the health crisis introduced the health pass obligation for persons working in certain places receiving the public, it entered into force on 30 August 2021. The law strengthening the tools for the management of the health crisis of 22 January 2022 transforms the health pass into a vaccination pass, professionals working in the places and services where the vaccination pass is required are therefore covered by this obligation.

Reinforce barrier gestures and mask wearing

The mask port must be reinforced. The mask is systematically worn within companies in all enclosed public spaces. When more than one person occupies an office, it must be continuously worn. It must be either a masks of the general public filtration greater than 90%, mask said of

category 1

or a surgical mask. The wearing of the mask must be associated with the respect of a physical distance of at least 1 m between the persons, hand hygiene, barrier gestures, as well as cleaning, ventilation, ventilation of the premises, implementation of a policy of prevention and management of flows of persons.

The physical distance between two people is increased to 2 metres when the mask cannot be worn, in collective catering as well as in outdoor areas (smoking areas in the courtyards, for example).

The employer must inform the employee of the application AllAntiCovid and the value of activating it during working hours.

Room ventilation and cleaning

The updated version of the protocol focuses on the aeration of workspaces, which is an essential measure. It is necessary to air the premises by natural ventilation preferably (doors and windows open) at all times if the conditions allow and at least 10 minutes every hour. Otherwise, ventilation shall be provided by a mechanical ventilation system which complies with the regulations, is in good working condition and is checked.

The Ministry of Labour has explicitly advocated the use of CO2 sensors to measure carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide or CO2) in the air, in places typical of use and at periods of high use. When CO2 exceeds the 800 ppm threshold, companies should ensure that air is ventilated and renewed or that the number of persons allowed into the room is reduced. If the CO2 concentration exceeds 1,000 ppm, the ministry recommends that the room be evacuated for sufficient ventilation to return to CO2 levels below 800 ppm.

In order to prevent hand contact contamination, the employer must put in place regular cleaning procedures with an active product on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, at least once a day, of contact objects and points that employees are likely to touch on workstations and in all common places, including sanitary facilities.

For activities that require the exchange of objects between employees, a specific health protocol applies. It includes the regular cleaning of these objects, with an active product on the virus and a systematic washing of the hands (water and soap or hydroalcoholic gel) before and after use of the exchanged objects.

Waste that may be contaminated, such as masks, must be disposed of in non-manually opened bins.

Distancing to the canteen

The health protocol publishes new rules for collective catering. In company canteens or restaurants, when the mask is not worn, the distance between each person at the table must be 2 m, unless a fixed or removable wall ensures a physical separation. Guests should not be face to face. When people wear their mask, in the queue for example, the distance to respect is 1 m.

Measures still in force in the Protocol

Vulnerable workers can benefit from enhanced protections: isolation of the workstation (provision of an individual office or the installation of hardware protection); compliance with reinforced barrier gestures; absence or limitation of the workstation split; Enhanced cleaning and disinfection of the workstation and affected surfaces; adjusting arrival and departure times to avoid busy times on the roads; provision by the employer of sufficient surgical-type masks.

The vulnerable employees particularly at risk. Where telework is not feasible, may be in partial operation or may receive derogatory daily allowances until 31 July 2022 at the latest.

The vaccine pass for some professionals. Since 24 January 2022, persons (employees, volunteers, service providers, temporary workers and subcontractors) involved in certain places , public establishments, services or events must present a vaccination pass.

These professionals were already subject to the sanitary pass since 30 August 2021.

Immunisation obligation for health care workers and health care workers and medico-social. Employers must monitor compliance with this obligation. Persons with medical contraindications must present a medical certificate.

Facilitate vaccination.Employers should encourage workers to be vaccinated by allowing them to be absent during working hours. Absences for employees and trainees do not result in a reduction in pay and are treated as effective working time.

In the Public Service

A circular of 10 August 2021 presents the provisions on health and vaccination requirements for public officials

Circular of 9 September 2021 on the identification and protection of civil public officials identified as vulnerable to Covid-19 .

Public servants are granted leave of absence to be vaccinated .

As of February 2, telework is no longer mandatory in the Public Service but remains recommended and is carried out under the common law provisions of the unanimous agreement of July 13, 2021.

See Circular of 21 January 2022 on teleworking in the State civil service and compliance with enhanced health rules in the context of on-site work


the Department of the Public Service proposes a updated Q&A on addressing the epidemic in the State Public Service . On this page you will find all the useful information (tools, questions, resources, guides...) related to the management of the Covid-19 crisis in the public service. It was updated on 16 February 2022.

The Department of the Public Service proposes a FAQ on taking into account the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic in the territorial civil service (updated to 3 February 2022).

The Directorate-General for Social Cohesion (DGCS) of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health has published a document onvaccination obligation in health institutions and social and medico-social institutions and services.

Please note

since 1to September 2021, except for exceptional health measures where telework is made compulsory, public officials may, at their request and with the permission of their employer, telework up to 3 days per week for a full time. They can also benefit from telework lump sum €220 per year.
