
Energy retrofit: all the support you can get

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Do you want to improve the insulation of your home? Are you planning to switch boilers to reduce your heating bill? You can benefit from aid to finance the energy renovation works of your home. Discover all the possible eco-renovation aids with the guide offered by the Ministry of Economy!

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The Ministry of Economy Guide Lists all existing supports to finance energy retrofits in your home. Some aids such as MaPrimeRénov, the zero-interest eco-loan or the energy check are well known, others such as aid

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the National Housing Agency (Anah) or the Aid for Energy Supply companies (EEC) are less so.

Eco-renovation aid

  • MaPrimeRenovation: it is intended for all households, as well as condominiums and landlords. The amount of the premium is calculated based on the income and ecological gain from the work done in the main residence. In condominiums, the facility can also finance renovation work on the common areas. Until 31 December 2022, the installation of a renewable energy boiler will receive an additional €1,000.
  • National Housing Agency's (Anah) Help "Living better in peace" :: Anah's assistance to low-income households to assist them in renovating their homes. Funding depends on the amount of work. The total amount of aid must not exceed €18 000.
  • Zero-interest Eco-loan (Eco-PTZ): it can finance energy retrofits for your home without making a cash advance and without paying interest. The maximum amount of the eco-PTZ is between € 7 000 and € 50 000 depending on the works financed, for loan offers issued from 1er January 2022. This loan may be granted on conditions to a landlord/occupant and a condo syndicate until December 31, 2023.
  • The energy-saving boost bonus: the device, Coup de pouce Heating and Coup de pouce Insulation, is open until December 31, 2021. The objective of this scheme is to enable households in energy poverty to benefit from additional aid. The amount of premiums depends on the level of household resources.
  • Energy check to help pay energy bills or renovations: it's a nominal support for energy bills for housing. It is awarded on a means-tested basis. The amount, which is calculated based on your reference tax income (RFR) and consumption, varies from €48 to €277 per year.
  • Aid for energy supply companies (EEC): under the Energy Savings Certificates (EEC), energy supply companies (EDF, Engie, Total...) offer aid for energy saving work provided that it is carried out by a recognized environmental professional (EGR).
  • 5.5% VAT for energy quality improvement works : if you renovate your home, some works can benefit from a reduced VAT rate of 5.5%. The housing must have been completed for more than 2 years, it can be a main or secondary residence.
  • Tax reduction Normandy: it is being extended until december 31, 2022. This scheme allows individuals purchasing a home to be renovated in certain neighborhoods to benefit from a reduction in income tax. The work must represent at least 25% of the price of the house purchased. The purchased and renovated housing must be located in one of the 222 cities benefiting from the program

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  • Property tax exemption for energy saving works: some municipalities (municipalities, departments...) temporarily exempt households carrying out energy-saving work from property tax. The exemption may be total or partial.
  • Local aid to finance your energy renovation work: there are also many local aids to improve the energy performance of your home. In order to find the help offered by your region or municipality, the National Agency for Housing Information (ANIL) offers a tool that identifies such aid throughout the territory.


You can access a financial aid simulator for energy retrofits.
