COVID-19 vaccine

Vaccination is possible for all children aged 5 to 11 years with the agreement of both parents

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The vaccination campaign has been extended to all children aged 5 to 11 years since December 22, 2021. Minors must present a parental authorization signed by both parents. Children can be vaccinated at vaccination centers and in doctors' offices. With what vaccine? How do I vaccinate my child? provides an update on childhood immunization.

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The National Advisory Committee on Ethics (NAC), in its opinion of 16 December 2021, the High Authority for Health (HAS), in its opinion published on 20 december 2021 and the Vaccine Strategy Guidance Council (VSMC), in its opinion of 21 december 2021, support the opening of the vaccination campaign to all children aged 5 to 11 years.

What is the vaccine for children?

The vaccine given to children aged 5 to 11 years is the pediatric form of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, three times less dosed than the adult form of the vaccine given to people over 12 years of age. The vials are fitted with orange stoppers to distinguish them from adult doses (with purple stoppers) and to avoid any errors.

The European Medicines Agency granted on 25 November 2021 a european marketing authorization for this vaccine.

How many doses?

The number of doses depends on whether your child has already contracted COVID-19 or not. A rapid serologic diagnostic referral test (TROD), with a slight bite on the tip of a finger, can detect infection with the virus within minutes.

  • For a child who has never had COVID-19, the full vaccination schedule is 2 doses of vaccines. The 2nd dose can be given between 18 and 24 days after the first injection.
  • If the child has been infected with COVID-19 before the first dose, the child should receive only one dose to complete the vaccination course.
  • Whether the child has been infected with COVID-19 more than 15 days after its first dose of vaccine, it does not need to be given a 2e dose and vaccination schedule is complete.
  • Whether the child has been infected with COVID-19 less than 15 days after the first dose of the vaccine, they can then receive a second dose within 2 months of the infection.

How's it going?

Vaccination of children is not mandatory.

Vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years is systematically preceded by a pre-vaccination medical interview at the vaccination site, which makes it possible to rule out the contraindications and leads to the prescription.

It is also the time when the health care practitioner answers the questions of the child and his or her parents, in order to reassure them and give them all the necessary additional information.

Minors must present their own vital card, or that of one of their parents or legal guardians, or, failing that, a legal certificate stating the social security number of one of their parents.

In addition, minors must obligatory present a parental authorization signed by both parents, unless it is impossible for one of the two parents to obtain the agreement of the other parent.

In addition, miners who have previously been infected with COVID-19, like adults, may present evidence of previous infection (RT-PCR test, antigen test, or positive serology for more than two months) in order to benefit from an initial one-dose vaccination schedule. They are asked to present this proof of infection at their first appointment to facilitate vaccination on site.

The child does not need to be accompanied by a parent. The person accompanying the person must deliver the parental authorization form duly signed by both parents to the personnel of the vaccination site before vaccination of the child is carried out.

Healthcare professionals should keep this attestation after injection in the same way as for adolescents aged 12 to 15 years.

Where to get your child vaccinated?

Vaccination for children is possible:

  • in a vaccination center with a reception and dedicated appointments (list available on santé.fr);
  • in town, with a general practitioner, a pediatrician or any other specialist doctor, in a pharmacy, in a nurse's or midwife's office. Vaccination is possible at home (doctors, nurses);
    in hospital services which follow the child;
  • some maternal and child protection services (MCHs) may offer vaccination.

Please note

Doctors (general practitioners or specialists, including pediatricians), registered nurses, midwives, and pharmacists are empowered to prescribe and administer the pediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11.


The Ministry of Health is at your disposal a question-and-answer session on childhood vaccination.
