Coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19)

Combating the Omicron variant: a new series of measures announced on 27 December 2021

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

In response to the spread of the Omicron variant, new health measures to limit the scope of the 5e The epidemic wave was announced by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health on 27 December 2021. Vaccine pass, reduced time limit for the booster dose, mandatory telework 3 days minimum, limited rallies, return of the mask in certain town centres, consumption of food and drinks prohibited in public transport... provides an update on these measures.

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Image 1Crédits: © kerkezz - Adobe

Following the Health Defence Council on 27 December 2012, the Prime Minister announced new health measures to curb the spread of the virus and prevent the saturation of critical care and rehabilitation services in hospitals. These new restrictions follow a series of announcements made on 17 december 2021 . A decree issued in Official Journal 1to January 2022 defines some of the measures announced: rules of isolation, gauges in certain establishments receiving the public, sale and consumption of food and drink prohibited in certain places, wearing of the mask obligatory from 6 years.

Health measures

Vaccination: from 28 December 2021, the period of eligibility for the Covid-19 vaccination recall shall be reduced to three months (no longer 4) according toopinion of the High Health Authority (HAS) . Now it only takes 3 months after a 2e injection or after having the Covid to benefit from a booster dose.

Isolation Rules: the duration of isolation of patients and contact cases changes depending on the vaccinal status of the person. Isolation rules and times are not the same for people with complete or non-complete immunisation regimens.

At work: as of january 3, 2022, the use of telework has been made mandatory for all employees for whom it is possible, at a minimum of three days per week and four days where possible. The same is true for public servants. Greeting ceremonies must be postponed.

Gathering and leisure. From 3 January 2022 and for 3 weeks, the gauges will be restored for major events: 2,000 people inside, 5,000 people outside. Standing concerts will be banned. In cafés and bars, standing consumption is prohibited. In some places, such as cinemas, theatres, sports equipment, the sale and consumption of drinks and food are prohibited. In public transport (including long distances), the sale of drinks and food is prohibited.

Up to and including January 23, 2022, discotheques are forbidden from welcoming the public. This prohibition applies up to the same date to dance activities in establishments receiving the public, such as restaurants or bars.

Mask port: the wearing of the mask is mandatory from the age of 6 inside in all establishments receiving the public, it is extended to certain town centres by the prefects in connection with the mayors.

Vaccine Pass: the pass should become a pass for vaccination on 15 January 2022. A negative test at Covid-19 would no longer suffice to access the places affected by the pass (bars, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, museums, gyms), it would be necessary to present a pass for vaccination, that is to say to justify being completely vaccinated. A bill is submitted to Parliament in January to transform the sanitary pass into a vaccine pass and toughen the conditions for controlling and punishing fake passes.

Overseas Emergency: a state of emergency was extended in Martinique and declared on Reunion Island until 31 March 2022.
