Covid-19 vaccination reminder

Valid vaccine pass: what changes from 15 february?

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Effective February 15, 2022, to maintain a valid vaccination pass, the time to complete the booster dose increases to a maximum of 4 months (instead of 7 months previously) after the last injection. Except for exceptions, the duration of the certificate of reinstatement certifying that you have contracted the Covid also increases to 4 months. provides an update on this new rule for persons over 18 years and 1 month of age.

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Image 1Crédits: © Léna Constantin -

Valid vaccine pass: how long do you need to take your booster dose?

Starting February 15, 2022, for persons over 18 years and 1 month, the booster dose will have to be completed within 4 months of the end of the initial vaccination plan (3 months for recall eligibility plus 1 month for recall).

This measure applies only to persons over 18 years and 1 month. Minors aged 16 and 17 do not have to recall to keep their valid vaccination pass. Adolescents aged 12 to 15 are not subject to the vaccination pass. Within the framework of


they are not required to perform their booster dose, even if the recall campaign has been open to them since january 24, 2022.


  • If I received 2 doses of vaccineI have to recall not later than 4 months after my second injection.
  • If I had Covid-19 and then received a single dose of vaccine (Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna) my reminder no later than 4 months after my injection.
  • If I got a dose of vaccine (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen) And I got Covid-19 more than 15 days after the injectionI have to my recall no later than 4 months after my infection.
  • If I got Covid-19 and then got a dose of Janssen after my infection, I have to do my recall no later than 2 months after my injection.
  • If I am not yet eligible for the booster dose (last injection in less than 3 months), my initial vaccination certificate remains valid.

After the booster dose, the vaccine pass will indicate a full 3/3, or 2/1 vaccination for those who had a full initial vaccination pattern with only one injection and for those who had previously had Covid-19 and for whom only one dose of vaccine was required.

After the booster dose, the vaccination certificate has unlimited validity.

To know when to do your booster dose, you can use the Health Insurance simulator My Vaccine Covid Reminder .


beyond this 4 months maximum, the QR code of your old vaccination certificate will be disabled automatically, it will be placed in the category

expired certificate

and will no longer be used as part of the vaccine pass. Once your booster dose has been completed, the new vaccination certificate will be valid 7 days after the date of injection.

A certificate of medical contraindication to vaccination remains valid to access the places and activities where the vaccination pass is required.

These deadlines also apply to health professionals who are subject to the vaccination obligation. Since 30 January 2022, the completion of the booster dose has been included in the vaccination obligation of the professionals concerned.

Please note

a tolerance period of one week ending on 22 february 2022 shall be allowed before the period of validity of vaccination certificates is actually applied to a maximum of 4 months.

How do I do this if I can't do my booster dose because I have Covid-19?

If you are over 18 years of age and 1 month of age and you cannot complete your booster because you have been infected with Covid-19 more than 3 months after your initial vaccination plan (2 doses), you do not need to do a booster dose.

If you received a dose of vaccine and caught Covid twice after injection, you do not need to do a booster dose.

Your recovery certificate will allow you to have a valid vaccination pass to access the places and activities where it is required. A Covid infection is therefore equivalent to a dose of vaccine.


if you want to travel outside the borders, in a country where the booster dose is mandatory, you will need to take your booster dose 3 months after your infection to have a valid vaccination certificate to travel.

What is a Certificate of Recovery?

The recovery certificate is one of the pieces of evidence that allows a valid vaccination pass. It proves that you tested positive in Covid-19: this is the positive result of the RT-PCR or antigenic test.

Certificate of test positive must be more than 11 days old and less than 4 months old for people who are not vaccinated, not fully vaccinated and for people infected with Covid:

  • before receiving an injection;
  • between injections;
  • less than 3 months after their full initial vaccination schedule (2 doses).

The people who were tested positive at Covid-19 more than 3 months after their initial complete vaccination regimen may use their recovery certificate as part of the vaccine pass. They do not need to do a booster dose and the certificate of reinstatement has unlimited validityas a booster dose.

How do I get a certificate of recovery?

You can recover your certificate of recovery (PCR test result or positive antigenic), either on the SI-DEP platform   via the link sent by e-mail and/or SMS or via France Connect, either directly to the medical biology laboratory or the healthcare professional who carried out the test (paper version).

It is then possible to either keep the paper version or integrate the certificate of reinstatement into the application log


by scanning the QR code or importing it directly from the SI-DEP platform via the dedicated link.

Individuals who have contracted Covid-19 more than 3 months after their initial complete vaccination regimen can obtain an indefinite certificate of recovery.

For those tested positive before February 15, 2022:

You must update the application first


on your smartphone.

You must do a manipulation in the application


to associate your positive test result with your vaccination certificate. This step allows you to obtain your unlimited recovery certificate.

After importing into the Notebook


your recovery certificate (positive test result) and your last vaccination certificate (1/1 or 2/2), the


of the Carnet allows you to generate a new certificate of reinstatement with no validity end.

For those tested positive after February 15, 2022:

For antigenic tests performed after February 15, the health care professional responsible for screening will generate your unlimited recovery certificate upon presentation of your vaccination certificate. For laboratory tests (RT-PCR), ask your laboratory to find out if they are able to perform this manipulation. Otherwise, you can do the manipulation (described above) in


to generate the unlimited duration recovery certificate.

You can present this unlimited-term recovery certificate at the facilities or events where the vaccination pass is required.


the result of a self-test does not provide a certificate of reinstatement. Only the result of a PCR or positive antigen test generates a certificate of recovery that can be used as part of the vaccine pass.

People who begin their initial vaccination cycle

In order to encourage non-vaccinated persons to start a vaccination cycle, since 24 January 2022, persons 16 years of age or older who received a first injection before 15 February 2022 may use a negative antigenic test or RT-PCR of less than 24 hours as part of the vaccination pass in the French territory during the 28 days before the 2e injection.
