Consumer information

From 1 March 2022

Restoration: mandatory display of the origin of meat from 1 March 2022

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Restaurants and canteens must tell their consumers where the poultry, pigs and sheep they cook come from, as has been the case for beef for 20 years. A decree issued in Official Journal of 27 January 2022 establishes new rules for the display of the origin of meat served in restaurants. Labeling has been mandatory since 1er March 2022.

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Since 1er in march 2022, establishments offering take-home or take-away meals must inform consumers of the origin of poultry, pig and sheep meat on their menus, as they already did for beef. This obligation applies to meat purchased raw (fresh or frozen) and cooked by restaurateurs, but does not apply to meat already prepared.

The countries of rearing and slaughter must be specified when they are different, the place of origin is sufficient when they are identical. These particulars shall be brought to the attention of the consumer in a legible and visible manner, by display, indication on cards and menus, or in any other medium according to the Decree of 26 January 2022, which supplements a 2002 obligation which applied only to unprocessed beef and veal. This obligation followed the mad cow crisis.


In addition to mandatory origin labeling for meat in restoration, the Law on Transparency of Information on Agricultural and Food Products of 10 June 2020 also makes country of origin labeling mandatory for cocoa, honey and royal jelly, wine and beer.
