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Legislative 2024
How do I give power of attorney to another voter?
Publié le 12 juin 2024 - Mise à jour le 01 juillet 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The second round of parliamentary elections will take place on Sunday, July 7, 2024. You won't be able to go to the polling station? You have the option of giving a proxy to a registered voter to vote for you. tells you how to do it.
If you are absent or unable to travel to the polling station for the general election, you can give power of attorney to anyone of your choice provided that it is entered on a list of electors (not necessarily in the same commune as you). You can issue a power of attorney for one or both rounds. On the day of the vote, the nominee shall go to your polling station to vote for you.
There is no deadline for the drawing up of proxy votes. However, it is recommended tocomplete the procedure as soon as possible in order to ensure that the power of attorney can be taken into account by the municipality of your municipality.
How do I apply for a proxy?
You can submit your power of attorney request online or via a paper form.
To make a proxy request online, you must:
- go to the online service Power of Attorney and connect via FranceConnect;
- Enter an email address.
- seize your voting commune;
- provide information about the elector who is voting for you (you need to know the elector’s date of birth, first names, last name, municipality);
- go to any national police station or gendarmerie, with a proof of identity and the e-mail indicating the reference of your request.
You will receive a e-mail receipt, and then an e-mail indicating the validation or invalidation of your proxy.
Please note
You can make a power of attorney entirely online for parliamentary elections. To do this, you must:
- to have a certified digital identity France Identity (to create it, you need have a national identity card in the form of a bank card, download the France Identity application, and then you give back in one of the town halls empowered to have your identity certified);
- use online service Power of Attorney (In this step, you can log in using any of the identities offered by FranceConnect.)
- complete the online form (in step 4, you must select as the validity “for the legislative elections of 30 June and 7 July”);
- Choose the “online” option for identity verification.
- identify you to France Identité by scanning the QR code displayed on the screen.
To make a proxy request via a paper form, you must:
- fill in the Cerfa “Proxy Voting” form including your national voter number and information about the person who will vote for you (surname, given names, date of birth and national voter number);
- print the form (on 2 sheets, not on two sides);
- show you in person, with the completed form and proof of identity, at a national police station, a gendarmerie, or another place welcoming the public (the list is drawn up by each prefect).
A receipt will be provided.
Specificities exist for New Caledonia. You can find them on our “Proxy Voting” factsheet (section “How to make a proxy vote).
You can find your national voter number on your electoral map or on the online service " Questioning your electoral situation ” available on This online service also allows you to find your current powers of attorney (those you have made or are responsible for).
Please note
You can also go directly to a national police station, a gendarmerie, or another place welcoming the public (defined by the prefect) to fill out the form on the spot. You must present yourself with proof of identity.
How do I apply for a power of attorney if you are unable to travel?
If an illness, hospitalization or disability prevents you from traveling, a police officer or gendarme can go to your home or location (Ehpad, hospital...) to verify your identity.
You must submit the request in writing to the police station or gendarmerie brigade, and attach a attestation on honor which indicates that you cannot move.
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