Employment aid

Youth employment contract: instructions

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you 16 to 25 years old? Are you unemployed, do not pursue education or training, and are you facing difficulties in accessing sustainable employment? The new youth employment contract is made for you. Effective from 1er March 2022, it replaces the current Youth Guarantee. The decree specifying the terms of access to the youth employment contract was published in the Official Journal February 19, 2022. Service-Public.fr introduces you to this new scheme designed to help young people who are far from employment.

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Image 1Crédits: © Robert Kneschke - stock.adobe.com

Introduced by the government in November 2021, the Youth Employment Contract for the furthest from work was officially launched on 1er March 2022. It replaces the Youth Guarantee scheme introduced in 2017. In line with the plan 

1 young, 1 solution

initiated in july 2020, this contract aims at a faster entry into employment through personalized and sustained support. It will cover at least 400 000 young people in 2022. The decree governing the youth employment contract was published in the Official Journal February 19, 2022. The text specifies the arrangements for implementing the youth employment contract, the nature of the commitments of each party to the contract and lays down the conditions for awarding and paying the financial allowance that may be paid to young people for this support.

What is the Youth Employment Contract?

The Youth Employment Contract (YEA) is intended for young people aged 16 to 25 and over and for young people with disabilities aged under 30 who are unemployed, not in training, not in higher education, who have difficulty in accessing sustainable employment and who wish to embark on a path to employment.

The young beneficiary's commitments include attendance at the defined program, active participation in all the planned actions and the sincerity and accuracy of the information communicated to the referent adviser.

It is a fully personalized journey that can last from 6 to 12 months depending on the profile, to help these young people define their professional project and find a job. The duration of the support can exceptionally be up to 18 months depending on the needs of the young person. The need for such an extension shall be justified by the Member.

When young people sign their contract, they benefit from:

  • personalized support with a dedicated counselor who follows him throughout his career and until he finds a sustainable job;
  • an intensive program of 15 to 20 hours per week comprising different types of activities (qualifying or pre-qualifying training, mission of social utility, internship, immersion in company, support for phases of active job search, preparation for apprenticeship, etc.);
  • an allowance of up to €500 per month depending on age, resources, tax status (autonomous or fiscally linked to a household with modest income) and on condition that the young person complies with his commitments.

The Youth Employment Contract is implemented by local missions and Pôle emploi.

At the end of the young person's employment contract, when the young person accedes to the job, the referent counselor may continue to provide support in order to secure the young person's professional integration into the company.

A new youth employment contract may be concluded only after six months have elapsed from the expiry of the previous contract, except in special situations assessed by the representative of the local mission or Pôle emploi, where the young person has fulfilled his commitments during his first employment contract or has been confronted with specific difficulties.


In the event of repeated breaches by the young person, or in the event of a false declaration with a view to receiving the monthly allowance, the contract of employment for young persons shall be terminated.

Please note

The mobile app to track progress and fulfill commitments is ready for the launch of the youth engagement contract on the 1er march 2022: 200 counselors and 500 young people were able to test it.

Monthly allowance

The amount of the monthly allowance paid to the young person in receipt of a contract of employment varies according to the age and resources of the young person. In order to benefit from this allowance, the young person must respect the commitments laid down in the contract.

The flat-rate monthly amount of the allowance is:

  • € 500 when the young person is of age, self-sufficient for tax purposes and not subject to tax or is attached to a tax-free household;
  • tax scale €300 where the young person is of age and forms or is attached to a tax-taxable household in which each share of income is included in the first income bracket;
  • € 200 where the young person is a minor and constitutes or is connected to a tax-free household or where he constitutes or is connected to a tax-free household, each share of which is included in the first bracket of the scale.

The monthly allowance will be reduced or abolished when the young person has other sources of income greater than € 300 per month: paid traineeship, unemployment benefit, partial unemployment benefit, daily allowances paid by the Sickness Insurance...

The allowance may not be combined with active solidarity income (RSA) and the activity premium, except where entitlement to the activity premium is acquired in respect of an activity prior to the first month in which the early employment contract allowance is paid, the premium corresponding to that period of activity shall remain cumulable with the CEJ allowance.

In addition, payment of the allowance may be discontinued where the young person, without legitimate cause, is absent from an action planned or cannot justify the performance of actions fixed in the context of his contract of employment as a young person.

To calculate the amount of the Youth Employment Contract (YEC) allowance and all the aids to which you are entitled according to your situation, you can use this simulator.

Please note

In Mayotte, the amounts are set at €285, €171 and €114 respectively.

Annual revaluation of the allocation

The increase in the allowance paid under the youth employment contract will apply from 1er april 2023, the decree provides for an increase in the allowance paid to young people under a youth employment contract on 1er April of each year and in line with inflation.

Enrollment in the youth employment contract

If you are already being followed by a local Mission or Pôle emploi, you can ask your advisor to benefit from the youth employment contract.

Otherwise, you can register on the platform

1 young, 1 solution

. To do this, you can perform an eligibility test on the site 1 young, 1 solution. If your profile matches, you can leave your contact information on the form that appears. You will be contacted later by an advisor from Pôle emploi or the local Mission close to you and can sign your youth employment contract from 1er March 2022.
