Health crisis

Mask port, tracing contact cases: alleviation of the health protocol from 28 February

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

End of the mandatory mask in places subject to the vaccination pass (restaurants, cinemas, museums...), except in public transport (train, plane...), for people who have contacts, only one test two days after the warning. As a result of the improved health situation, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health announced that the health protocol would be relaxed from 28 February 2022.

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Image 1Crédits: © Syda Productions -

The reductions in the health protocol which will apply from 28 February 2022 concern:

  • The screening device for people who have been in contact with a positive person at the Covid. A person in case contacts will only have to perform one test (autototest, RT-PCR or antigenic) at J2, two days after being informed that they have been in contact with a person tested positive, instead of three tests (at J0, J2 and J4) currently. In the case of a positive self-test, the person will have to perform a RT-PCR or confirmation antigenic test. The rules on isolation remain unchanged.
  • The wearing of the mask will no longer be mandatory in enclosed places subject to the vaccination pass (restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theatres, museums...). The wearing of the mask inside will be maintained in public transport (buses, trains, aeroplanes...) and closed places not subject to the vaccination pass (hospitals, administrations, public services, shops, offices...).


since february 2, 2022, the mask is no longer required to wear outside, but it is still recommended in case of large gatherings of people.
