Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

End of vaccination pass and indoor mask as of March 14, 2022

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Due to the improvement in the health situation in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic over the past several weeks and the significant decrease in pressure on hospitals, the Prime Minister announced on 3 March 2022 the suspension of the vaccination pass in places where it is required and the lifting of the wearing of masks indoors, except in public transport and health facilities, as of 14 March 2022.

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Image 1Crédits: © Romain TALON -

The Prime Minister announced a further easing of health measures due to the reflux of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic that began a few weeks ago.

Two major reductions to the health protocol will take place as of Monday, March 14, 2022:

  • The suspension of the vaccination pass to access all places (restaurants, bars, discotheques, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, museums, stadiums, fairs and salons...) where it is currently required. However, the health pass (proof of vaccination, result of a negative test or a certificate of recovery) will still be required at the entrance of hospitals, retirement homes and institutions for people with disabilities, in order to protect the most vulnerable.
  • The wearing of masks, already lifted in places subject to the vaccination pass since February 28, 2022, will no longer be mandatory in enclosed spaces (companies, schools, administrations, public services, shops...) except in collective transport of travelers and health facilities, in which it will remain mandatory. Masks are still recommended for COVID-positive individuals for 7 days following their isolation period and for at-risk contacts, symptomatic individuals and health care professionals.

In addition, the health protocol in company will cease to apply as of Monday, March 14: no more mandatory masks and social distancing. However, it will be necessary to continue to apply hygiene rules such as hand washing, surface cleaning and ventilation of premises. A guide to

measures to prevent COVID-19 infection risks outside of the epidemic

replace the national protocol in company.

Additionally, as of March 14, 2022, indoor masks will no longer be required for all students and staff. The health protocol is being upgraded to level 1 (green level) in all primary schools, colleges and high schools in the national territory: end of pupil mixing by level, end of restrictions on the practice of physical and sports activities (return of indoor contact sports).


For the Overseas Territories, consultations with local authorities will be undertaken to implement the suspension of the vaccination pass in accordance with the evolution of the health situation in each of the territories.

Reminder of the successive reductions in the health protocol

Health restrictions lifted on February 2, 2022:

  • All seated public facilities can operate at full capacity, with no limit on the number of visitors allowed, while respecting the obligation to wear a mask.
  • Teleworking (3 days minimum) is no longer mandatory but is still recommended. The companies shall decide on the appropriate level, within the framework of their internal social dialog.
  • Masks are no longer required outdoors: downtown areas, outdoor markets, ski lifts and ski resort queues.

Health restrictions lifted on February 16:

  • Consumption and sale of food and beverages in stadiums, cinemas or public transport are again allowed.
  • Standing concerts and standing consumption in bars can resume.
  • Dance clubs, clubs and bars can reopen. However, vaccination is mandatory and masks are recommended.

Health Protocol Relief Effective February 21:

After the winter school holidays (21 February for zone B, 28 February for zone A and 7 March for zone C), the health protocol goes from level 3 to level 2 in elementary schools:

  • End of the obligation to wear masks outdoors for students and staff of elementary schools.
  • Possibility to practice physical and sports activities indoors again without wearing a mask, always respecting a physical distance (contact sports not authorized without a mask).
  • End of class brewing limitation during restoration and when no teacher is present. The limitation of mixing by level remains.
  • Abolition of the presentation of a certificate on parental honor of negative self-test.

Health Protocol Relief Since February 28, 2022:

  • A contact person should only perform one test (self-test, RT-PCR or antigen test) on Day 2, two days after being informed that they have been in contact with a person who tested positive, instead of three tests (on Days 0, 2 and 4) previously. In the case of a positive self-test, the person will have to do a confirmatory RT-PCR test. The rules on segregation remain unchanged.
  • The wearing of masks is no longer mandatory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass (restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters, museums, stadiums...). The wearing of masks indoors is maintained in public transport (buses, trains, planes...) and enclosed places not subject to the vaccination pass (hospitals, administrations, public services, shops, offices...).
