Voluntary termination of pregnancy

Extension of the legal period for abortion to 14 weeks of pregnancy

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Extension of the period of recourse to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) from 12 to 14 weeks, surgical abortion extended to midwives in hospitals, creation of a directory of professionals practicing abortion. The law to strengthen the right to abortion was published in Official Journal of 3 March 2022. Service-Public.fr provides you with an overview of the measures provided for in this Act.

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Image 1Crédits: © government.fr

Legislative measures to strengthen the right to abortion

The main measure of this law is the extension by two weeks of the legal period to have recourse to surgical abortion, it is increased from 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy, (i.e. 16 weeks after the beginning of the last menstrual period).

The other measures provided for by the law are:

  • Midwives will be able to perform abortions surgically until the end of the 10the pregnancy week in hospitals. So far, midwives can perform only drug abortion, up to 5 weeks of pregnancy in the city and 7 weeks in the hospital. This new jurisdiction will only be possible when an order in council is issued.
  • The extension of the time limit for the use of drug abortion in the city to 7 weeks of pregnancy (against 5) is permanent. Since April 2020, due to the health crisis, this deadline had already been extended to 7 weeks. Drug induced abortion is thus possible up to 7 weeks of pregnancy, or 9 weeks after the onset of the last menses, whether it is performed in a health facility or in a community.
  • Removal of the 2-day reflection period before confirming in writing his wish to have an abortion after the psychosocial interview. This interview is only mandatory for non-emancipated minor women.
  • A register of abortion professionals and structures, with their agreement, will have to be published by the regional health agencies. It will be freely accessible.
  • Clarify in the public health code that a pharmacist refusing to issue an emergency contraceptive will be in breach of his professional obligations.


The 2-week extension of the statutory deadline adopts a recommendation made in a 2020 report on behalf of the National Assembly’s delegation for women’s rights. More than 2,000 women are reported to be forced to travel abroad each year because they have exceeded the legal deadline in France. They are often the women furthest away from the health care system and access to health information, or women in complex personal situations.

Please note

The government will have to submit to Parliament, within 6 months of the publication of the law, a report on the implementation of the law on the crime of impeding abortion. It should also take stock of the arrangements for women's access to abortion.
