
Graduation rates at the 2022 high school by high school

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

What is the success rate at the high school baccalaureate in your city or department? The Ministry of National Education presents performance indicators for general, technological and vocational secondary schools, public or private under contract, for 2022.

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Image 1Crédits: Tomfry -

The secondary school performance indicators the following are selected on the basis of the results of the pupils who have completed the baccalaureate and data relating to the course of their schooling:

  • completion rate at the baccalaureate level;
  • the rate of access to baccalaureate for second, first and final grades (probability of a pupil obtaining the baccalaureate after full schooling in the school, including by repetition);
  • Bachelor's degree (share of bachelors received with a degree fairly well, well or very well).

If a high school has a high value for an indicator, it can mean:

  • the institution has received good pupils; or
  • or that the school has developed knowledge and skills among students that have enabled them to succeed.


added value

of an establishment measures the difference between the results obtained and the expected results in relation to the educational and socio-professional characteristics of the pupils.

This year, you can also consult the college performance indicators. This data by establishment is accessible to all. The indicators presented allow the evaluation of the College's performance in relation to that of comparable institutions at national level. They take into account the educational and social characteristics of the pupils accommodated by the school.


with 733,100 candidates and 666,800 bachelors, the success rate at the 2022 baccalaureate is 91.0%. It is 96.0% in general, 90.4% in technology and 82.2% in professional.
