Individual Employer

My Pajemploi daily: to facilitate your child care efforts

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Schedule tracking, salary calculation, help with terminating a contract... Since the beginning of September 2022, the Urssaf has been offering an extension of its Pajemploi platform with the application My Pajemploi daily. It supports the employer parents and their maternal assistant and simplifies the procedures and follow-up of the carers.

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Image 1Crédits: © Antonioguillem - Adobe

If you have decided to entrust the care of your children to a licensed childminder or have chosen a home care mode, the Pajemploi service offered by the Urssaf already allows you to manage all the formalities related to your status as employer parent. The new mobile app My Pajemploi daily offers free services designed to simplify the procedures of parents who are the employers of a kindergarten assistant on a permanent contract and have a regular schedule and for the follow-up of the care of the kindergartens.

The app is available for iOS and Android.

Add events and automate all your calculations. Adding events (holidays, absences...) to the shared schedule automatically updates the calculations for reporting:

  • A shared schedule: you can add and view on-call events (leave, absence, and so on) in the shared schedule. You can also easily track the schedules of several children, employees or employers for the childminders.
  • Automatic calculations: holidays and reporting are calculated based on contract terms and schedule events. The application accompanies you to understand the regulations and the calculations.
  • An instant declaration: you can preview your return at any time. It is updated according to schedule events. At the end of the month, you just have to check and validate the declaration.

Multi-contract management: whether you are the parent of several children in care or the childminder caring for several children, the app allows you to easily navigate between your different child care contracts.

In addition, the app gives you access to a history of all the declarations made and a chatbot that helps you find the answers to your questions. You can also propose your ideas to him.

The application My Pajemploi daily was developed with employer parents and maternity assistants to better meet their needs. It will evolve regularly according to the feedback and needs of its users.


for parents of children over 6 years of age who use a company providing or using the Universal Service Employment Check (UCESC) to pay for child care at home, the immediate tax credit has been in effect since September 20, 2022.

Parents of children under the age of 6 will be eligible for the tax credit starting in 2024.
