Road Signs

Pedestrian-cyclist light, countdown to pedestrian crossings: new features of the highway code

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Mixed pedestrian-cyclist light, countdown to cross at pedestrian crossings, safety distances in tunnels: the rules of the road are changing. Since July 6, 2022, it has been incorporating new road signs to improve road user travel safety. An order published in Official Journal of July 5, 2022, places these new signs in the highway code.

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Image 1Crédits: © andrea lehmkuhl -

Road signs are constantly evolving to improve the safety of users. In order to reduce the number of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities, which increased in 2021 compared to 2020, new road signs are included in the highway code to increase the safety of pedestrians and cyclists who are particularly vulnerable in the city and to secure traffic in tunnels.

Mixed pedestrian-cycle lamp

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Crédits : © Road Safety

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A mixed pedestrian-cycle light can now be used when a bicycle lane is parallel to a pedestrian crossing at the crossing of a lane. Currently tested in Strasbourg, this light incorporates a red or green bike visual like the 

red man



to indicate to cyclists that they must respect the pedestrian light. It makes it possible to clarify the rules governing the crossing of cyclists on this type of track.

Countdown to crosswalks

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Crédits : © Road Safety

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This settled pedestrian crossing sign indicates the waiting time before you can cross the road (pedestrian red) and the time remaining to complete the crossing (pedestrian green). Experienced in Strasbourg, Vannes and Neuilly-sur-Seine, this pedestrian time count has received a very good reception from users who, for the most part, consider it useful and safe and consider it to improve the comfort of crossing. It would also encourage many pedestrians to change their behavior.

New signs on safety distances in road tunnels

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Crédits : © Road Safety

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Two new safety distance signs are entering the tunnels. The signage is available in two versions: one with two cars and the other with a car and a truck. It invites drivers to identify safety distances by means of blue markers settled in the tunnel.

Experienced in the tunnel of Foix in Ariège, these signs encourage users to respect the safety distances in addition to the signs indicating the number of meters to be respected between 2 vehicles inside the tunnel.

Security Distance Memo

The stopping distance shall be equal to the sum of the distance traveled during the reaction time and the distance traveled during the braking time. The higher the speed of a vehicle, the greater the stopping distance will be. The reaction time varies from 1 to 2 seconds.

It is therefore essential to respect the safety distances. On the road, it is advisable to leave 2 seconds between your vehicle and the vehicle in front. To identify the right distance, a fixed landmark is identified along the road (a sign for example), and it takes 2 seconds between the moment when the vehicle that precedes us passes it, and the moment when our vehicle reaches it.

On the motorway, two lines of the emergency stop strip are left between the two vehicles.

In a tunnel, it's 2 blue lights between two vehicles, and up to 3 for heavy trucks in some tunnels.


According to the National Interministerial Road Safety Observatory (Onisr), in 2021, 414 pedestrians were killed in metropolitan France (69 fewer than in 2019, i.e. -14% and 23 more than in 2020, i.e. +6%). For cyclists, 227 were killed in 2021 (40 more than in 2019, +21% and 49 more than in 2020, +28%). For the first time in 20 years, the number of cyclists killed has exceeded the 200 mark.

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