Fire prevention

What are the right actions to avoid starting a wildfire?

Publié le 18 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

9 out of 10 forest fires are human-caused, half of which are reckless. A cigarette butt thrown away, a barbecue organized near the vegetation, fuels stored too close to a house... Many gestures, seemingly harmless, can cause a start of vegetation fire. reminds you of the right reflexes to adopt.

Droughts, as well as heat waves, are becoming more frequent and intense in France as a result of climate change. When the vegetation is dried up by a lack of rain, a fire starts and it can spread quickly. You can help prevent wildfires and wildfires by being vigilant.

Please note

80% of forest and vegetation fires occur within 50 meters of homes.

What preventive measures should be taken?

In order to avoid any fire start, it is important to:

  • of learn about fire risks the department you are in (with the Forest weather, implemented by Météo-France);
  • of throw your butts in an ashtray, and during periods of fire risk, not to smoke in woods and forests;
  • of store your flammable materials and products (wood, gas bottles...) in a closed shelteraway from any dwelling;
  • of carry out your crafts and activities away from a lawn or dry grass, and to have a fire extinguisher or bucket of water at hand in case of fire;
  • d'organize your barbecues on a terrace which is not made of wood and away from the vegetation;
  • to clear your land as well as the area around your house before the summer season, and remove vegetable debris from roofs and gutters.

Please note

In terms of managing your green waste (grass after mowing the lawn, dead leaves, brushwood residues...), it is possible to use them in compost or mulch, to bring them to waste... Ask your city hall to know the means of treatment of green waste applied in your commune, community of communes or agglomeration.

What to do in case of fire?

If you witness a shooting start, it is recommended:

  • to locate the fire without endangering yourself ;
  • alert emergency services by calling the 112 (European emergency number), the 18 (firefighters) or the 114 (number dedicated to deaf and hard of hearing people);
  • of shelter in a brushed house Waiting for emergency response (the car is not a safe shelter because it could burn);
  • retract your garden hose before the fire arrives (it can be used after the fire to extinguish the last embers), and leave your gate open to facilitate firefighters’ access if necessary;
  • clog the air vents and doorways of the dwelling in which you are staying with wet cloths to prevent toxic fumes and flames from entering the dwelling;
  • Wet cloth over your nose and mouth to protect you from smoke before helping others do the same;
  • to stay informed of the situation, and to follow the instructions given by the emergency services or the town hall.

Please note

If you find yourself in your car in the direct vicinity of a forest fire or vegetation start, do not leave and park in an open area. In any case, never try to get through a flame or smoke front.


If you live in a covered area by a plan to prevent the risk of forest fires, your house (shutters, ventilation, gutters, roof...) must be adapted to the situation to guarantee your safety.

What are the penalties for a person who causes a fire?

If you start a fire in a wood, forest or heath, you are at risk criminal sanctions.

  • In the case of an unintentional breach of an obligation of prudence or security, the maximum penalty is 2 years in prison and 30 000 € fine (in the case of death of one or more persons, the maximum penalty is increased to 7 years in prison and 100 000 € fine).
  • In case of a manifestly deliberate breach of an obligation of prudence or safety, the maximum penalty is 3 years imprisonment and 45 000 € fine (in case of death of one or more persons, the maximum penalty is increased to 10 years imprisonment and 150 000 € fine).
