Sports practice

Until 31 Dec. 2024

The renewed Pass'Sport for the 2024-2025 season

Publié le 05 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your child wants to join the swim club but it's too expensive to join? Your young teenager wants to play judo? Are you a scholarship student and would you like to go to a gym? Do you know that it is possible to benefit from the Pass'Sport for young people from 6 to 30 years under certain conditions? The aid of €50 for a registration in a sports club is extended until 31 December 2024.

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For the fourth consecutive year, the duration of the Pass'Sport device shall be extended to 2024-25 season to help young people aged 6 to 30 enroll in a club, sports association or gym. This operation aims to encourage young people to take part in sport. An executive order specifying the conditions was issued on June 4, 2024.

Pass'Sport, what is it?

Pass'Sport is a lump sum (sports allowance) paid by the State for a young person to obtain a license from a sports club 6 to 30 years. It reduces the cost of registration fees that you have to pay to register.


According to the Ministry of Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, 1.38 million young people benefited from the Pass’Sport in 2023.

How much is it?

The help is €50 per child.

Example :

if you register your 2 children aged 9 and 14 in a club, the State will pay €50 twice on the registration fee, i.e. €100.

Who can benefit?

The aid concerns:

  • children aged 6 to 17 whose families receive the back-to-school allowance (RSA);
  • children aged 6 to 19 whose families receive the Education Allowance for Disabled Children (AEEH);
  • children aged between 16 and 30 years who are entitled to the Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA).

It is also intended for students up to the age of 28 who benefit from no later than 15 october 2024, of:

  • scholarships on the basis of social criteria for higher education or annual aid granted by the regional centers for university and school works (Crous);
  • annual means-tested aid in the context of health and social training.


Access to the Pass'Sport does not prevent you from obtaining at the same time other assistance set up by your city, your department or your region and the Fund for Family Allowances (CAF), to join a club or a sports association.

How to enjoy it?

No steps are needed to take advantage of it.

Unlike other seasons, the Pass'Sport promotional campaign started earlier in 2024. For the 2024-2025 season, the facility is open of 1er june to december 31, 2024. Until then, the aid was only available from the start of the new school year in September.

For the 2024-2025 school year, the Pass'Sport is modernizing with a new website and one QR code dedicated to simplify formalities. Eligible youth receive their QR code by email or SMS on May 30, 2024 and the August 30, 2024 for scholarship students. From 1er September 2024, clubs will be able to validate the pass by simply scanning the QR code.

To use your Pass'Sport, simply present your QR code or alphanumeric code to your club, sports association or gym at the time of registration. He will automatically deduct €50 from the license or subscription price at the time of registration.

A Pass'Sport simulator is available on the Ministry of Sports website to allow you to check if you are eligible.

Please note

your Pass'Sport has been sent to you by e-mail from 30 May 2024 to the address you have provided to the cash desks providing you with social benefits (Caf, Crous or MSA). Be sure to check the contact information you provided.

Where to use it?

The Pass'Sport can be used for any membership or license taken from 1er June to December 31, 2024 in the sports associations which are partners in the scheme :

  • sports associations affiliated to approved sports federations;
  • Priority districts of the city or in a territory labeled “Educational cities”, with all sports associations approved whether or not they are affiliated to a sports federation;
  • commercial sports facilities (for example a fitness room and a climbing room).

One frequently asked questions is made available to you by the Ministry of Sport.

Please note

find the associations affiliated to the Pass'Sport device in the territory thanks to the interactive map.
