
What is changing in September 2022

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Exceptional back-to-school allowance; abolition of the television fee; upgrading of social grants, social and family benefits and retirement pensions; upgrading of back-to-school allowances; application for secondary and secondary school grants; extension of the partial activity scheme for vulnerable persons; capping of rent increases and upgrading of housing subsidies... provides an update on all the novelties of September's fall.

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Image 1Crédits: © Dila

Back to school

The back-to-school allowance (RSA) allocated annually to help families with back-to-school costs was increased by 4 per cent in August. Application campaigns for college and high school scholarships open on 1er September for students not yet on scholarships. Student scholarships are being upgraded by 4% for the 2022 academic year.

To learn all about the 2022 school year, you can consult our file Health protocol, supplies, allowances and scholarships...: the main part of the 2022 school year

Social and family support, Health

The law on emergency measures in favor of purchasing power and the amending finance law, voted in August 2022, put in place various measures for the new year: the exceptional income premium for beneficiaries of the social minima will be paid on 15 September 2022, the 4% increase in social and family benefits.

Money and consumption

The use of restaurant vouchers is extended to the purchase of all food products, even if they are not directly consumable. The daily payment ceiling should be increased from €19 to €25 in September and no later than €1er October 2022. The contribution to public broadcasting (TV license fee) will cease in 2022. Reform of the borrower insurance with the “Lemoine” law: possible cancelation free of charge at any time in effect from 1er September 2022.


The COVID-19 partial activity scheme for vulnerable people is being extended until no later than 31 January 2023. Employees who have to keep their children have not been covered since 31 July. 4% increase in basic retirement and invalidity pensions retroactive to 1er July 2022.

Citizenship Papers

The application for a certificate of French nationality passes, since the 1er September 2022, by depositing a form dedicated to the registry of the court of justice, responsible for issuing this document.


A number of support measures are being implemented in the housing sector under the Purchasing Power Act: the "rent shield" capped the increase in rents at 3.5%, housing subsidies are increased by 3.5%. The mandatory energy audit for the sale of houses or buildings rated F or G, which was to start on 1er September 2022, is deferred to 1er April 2023.


The fuel price rebate is extended until 31 December 2022: 30 euro cents per liter in September and October, 10 euro cents per liter in November. The periodicity of the compulsory medical check for the validity of the driving license of certain drivers is amended.
