Under the Energy Sobriety Plan, the doors of heated or air-conditioned rooms opening onto the outside or of non-heated or air-conditioned rooms must now be closed on pain of penalty. This provision concerns premises in which commercial or non-commercial tertiary activities are carried out: shops, restaurants, hotels, public administrations, real estate agencies...
In order to limit energy consumption, the doors of heated or air-conditioned rooms opening to the outside and housing commercial or non-commercial tertiary activities must be closed. This measure also applies to parts of buildings that are not heated or air-conditioned.
Manual and automatic closing systems are covered by this obligation.
This provision shall apply during operating periods heating and cooling equipment. It also concerns the opening hours of these premises for users.
Please note
This obligation shall not apply where recommended by the health authorities or where required by indoor air renewal requirements.
The penalties incurred
Where this measure is not complied with, a formal notice is addressed by the mayor to the operator of the building. He has three weeks to make representations. If the violation continues, the operator is liable to a fine of up to up to €750.