European mobility

Erasmus+ traineeships for young public servants: registration is open

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You're a public servant? Do you want to take a study trip to familiarize yourself with the European institutions? You can register for the next Erasmus+ internship session, which will take place from 7 to 17 March 2023. The deadline for applications is November 14, 2022.

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Image 1Crédits: © VanderWolf Images -

This Erasmus+ course consists of a study trip to Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg to get to know the European institutions better and to become familiar with the Community decision-making process.

Registration is open for the next session, which will take place from 7 to 17 March 2023.

The 8.5-day courses will run from Tuesday to Friday of the following week.

You can apply for an Erasmus+ internship if you:

  • have been a civil servant in the public service for at least six months;
  • have not completed more than 5 years of service by the application deadline;
  • have the nationality of one of the EU Member States;
  • have obtained a university degree or an equivalent level;
  • have not completed traineeships or worked in the European institutions.

The Commission shall bear the costs of accommodation only. Your administration continues to pay you during the course of the internship and will cover the transportation costs.

How to apply for an Erasmus+ internship?

You must first obtain authorization from your supervisor to participate in the internship. You can use this model for authorizing supervisors to register for Erasmus+ courses.

Next, you will need to provide the management department of your administration with a Europass CV in French.

Your administration should send your application to the General Secretariat for European Affairs (SGAE) no later than 14 november 2022.

Applications are forwarded to the European Commission by the SGAE three months before the start of the course. Between one week and two weeks later, the European Commission sends the list of winners to the SGAE.

If your application is accepted, your administration will send you the Commission’s information letter specifying the steps to be taken and the document in Excel format where you will have to indicate the services in which you wish to carry out your observation days.

You can consult the information note on Erasmus+ traineeships.

If you have any questions about Erasmus placements for young officials, you can contact the SGAE's Office for Coordination, Communication, Public Relations and Influence.
