Shutdown, load shedding... What measures should be taken in the event of a shortage of electricity?

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The Prime Minister provided an update to the Council of Ministers on November 29, 2022, on electricity supply risks for the winter of 2022-23. Tensions are high in the energy market and could lead to power outages and load shedding. The point in six questions.

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What are the risks to electricity supply this winter 2022-2023?

The year 2022 is marked by several events that, taken together, create difficulties to produce electricity and meet demand:

  • energy market tensions Between the economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and the war in Ukraine threatening gas supplies, European countries are going through an unprecedented energy crisis. Supply pressures are causing prices to rise sharply (notably electricity prices) ;
  • the green transition: since 2017, oil and coal plants have been shut down to limit greenhouse gas emissions, implying greater demand for gas and nuclear power. Read more about the article.

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