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Zero Vacant Accommodation: a digital window to help you get your accommodation out of the holiday

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Zero Vacant Housing is a new public service intended to help owners of vacant dwellings to get back in touch with the local authorities and thus to benefit from aid for the return to the market of their property. introduces you to this device.

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Image 1Crédits: hanohiki -

Developed as part of the National Plan to Address Vacant Housing, the Digital Solution Zero Vacant Housing since 2022, has helped communities increase their knowledge of the vacant housing stock and encouraged the engagement of owners of vacant housing. Since January 2023, a digital window has been open to owners to better inform and support them: know the taxes in force and the available assistance, find the right contact in a community to be guided and supported.

Better informing homeowners: tax on vacant housing and available aids

This new digital wicket offered by Zero Vacant Housing centralizes information about vacant home owners.

In addition to its information function, this window also provides a means of being contacted again by the services responsible for housing in the community where the vacant housing is located. The aim is to jointly define a vacancy exit strategy, to benefit from expertise and support in accessing local and national aid.

Today, the window allows an owner to:

  • whether or not his dwelling is subject to one of the taxes (tax on vacant dwellings, tax on vacant dwellings), and if so, what the rates are;
  • leave your contact information for your community to contact you again.

Other features include:

  • identify available national and local aid;
  • know where to go;
  • finding resources to get out of the vacancy.


From 1er January 2023, the coverage and rates of the Vacant Housing Tax (VLT) are evolving. The tax rate on vacant dwellings in tense areas rises to 17% for the first year of vacancy and to 34% for subsequent years (Article 74 of the 2023 Finance Law). The TLV applies in municipalities where there is a significant imbalance between the supply and demand of housing, leading to serious difficulties in access to housing throughout the existing housing stock (tense zone).

The list of municipalities concerned by the TLV is fixed by the decree no. 2013-392 of 10 may 2013 (modified version).


A simulator allows you to know if your vacant home is subject to a vacancy tax and if so, to know the rates applied. Just indicate the municipality where your vacant accommodation is located.

If you wish to leave your accommodation, a form is proposed to leave your contact details so that the municipality can contact you.

Go to the simulator for information

Improving owner support by equipping communities

Since 2022, Zero Vacant Housing team of pioneer communities, mobilized in the reduction of vacancies to promote access to dignified and accessible housing. Objective: To improve the arrangements and support available to owners of vacant housing.

More than 220 communities are now affected.

In practice, the tool can:

  • create targeted campaigns to provide the most relevant information and support to owners of vacant dwellings;
  • send simple and informative emails;
  • centralize and share the follow-up of a dossier to follow the vacancy exit routes.


Since 2020, the National Plan to Combat Vacant Housing has come at the crossroads of other housing framework policies: Zero Net Artificialization, the revitalization of downtown areas (Action Coeur de Ville, Small Cities of Tomorrow) and access to dignified and accessible housing.
