Vaccination booster

COVID vaccine: first booster campaign in 2023 for the most vulnerable

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

People who are particularly vulnerable (over 80 years of age, immunocompromised...) are eligible for a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine from April 27 to June 16, 2023. This recall is not mandatory but is recommended to maintain a sufficient level of protection against severe forms of COVID-19. It can be done six months after the last injection or infection.

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Image 1Crédits: © Yakobchuk Olena -
Who is involved?

In accordance with HAS opinion of 23 February 2023 regarding the COVID-19 vaccination strategy, a booster campaign is being organized from 27 April 2023 until 16 June 2023 to:

  • persons aged 80 years and over;
  • immunocompromised persons;
  • residents of the EHPAD and USLD, regardless of age;
  • people at very high risk of severe illness based on each individual medical situation and in a decision shared with the health care team.

A booster dose is recommended twice a year, in the spring and fall, for these people. The aim of the campaign is to maintain a sufficient level of vaccine protection to reduce the occurrence of severe COVID-19.

It is recommended that you receive this vaccine with the bivalent Moderna (over 30 years of age) and Pfizer vaccines.

The time after the last injection or infection is now 6 months.


A booster dose is recommended every year in the fall for people aged 65 to 79, pregnant women, people at risk of severe illness, and people around them, regardless of age.

Where to get vaccinated?

To receive your booster dose, you can make an appointment:

  • a healthcare professional close to you (pharmacist, doctor, nurse);
  • at your place of care;
  • on www.santé.fr

Please note

For more information, you can consult the infographic "Which vaccine for which audience?" and the Frequently Asked Questions dedicated to the booster vaccination on the Ministry of Health website.
