
What changes in June 2023

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Last month to complete the new real estate return. End of regulated gas sales tariffs on 30 June, a summer in solidarity with a special operation of the platform, a new information portal for childcare, the setting up of a

Forest weather

, good reflexes to prevent forest fires... reminds you of all the news of this month of June.

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Image 1Crédits: DILA

Tax Money

June 30 is the deadline for declaring the status of your real estate. Terminate your insurance contracts

in 3 clicks

from 1er June. Artist-writers, you have until June 11 to declare your artistic income. Territorial economic contribution of the companies: first installment due before 15 June.


Thousands of solidarity actions offered throughout the month of June during the event

The summer tour

organized by the platform. The COVID recall campaign ends on June 16 for the frail. The Ministry of Health is launching a campaign to raise awareness of good practices in the face of drowning risks on the eve of the summer season. Women's safety in public spaces at the heart of an awareness campaign by the Ministry of Interior. Pôle emploi is launching a new information portal for maternal assistants and parent employers.


The first decrees on pension reform were published in Official Journal June 4.


Bachelor's degree, certificate, CAP, all exam dates for this end of school year. Journey: The admissions phase runs until July 7, the complementary phase starts on June 15. My Master, the examination of applications is ongoing until June 16, the phase of admissions starts on June 23.


End of regulated gas sales tariffs on 1er July 2023: gives you all the information you need to find your way through the market offers. Student accommodation: is it possible to keep them during the summer?


Météo France is putting in place a

Forest weather

for information on fire hazards. As the summer season approaches, a reminder of good reflexes to prevent forest fires. The countryside

Every gesture counts

to preserve the water. Implementation of the first plan of anticipation in relation to heat waves.


New edition of the Rendez-vous aux jardins from June 2 to 4 on the theme of garden music.

Go to Book

, the new edition of the summer book festival for young people starts on 22 June.

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