Schools and institutions

Back to school 2023: list of recommended supplies

Publié le null - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Notebooks, sheets, binders, pens, pencils, erasers, glue tubes, kits... Find online the sample list of school supplies to be planned for the 2023 school year, which takes place on Monday, September 4, 2023.

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Image 1Crédits: PUNTOSTUDIOFOTO Lda -

Parents are notified of the final list of their child's school supplies as of June:

  • by making the list available on the home page of the institution’s website and on the digital workplace (ENT);
  • by physically displaying the list in a place that is easily accessible to parents.

This list of supplies for the 2023 school year is, as it is every year, a reference framework for teachers. For each level, from school to college, the list includes a set of basic articles. The compilation of this list takes into account three factors:

  • a reasonable budget for all families;
  • a lightweight binder;
  • sortable, recyclable or refillable products.

The list of school supplies is available on the website of the Ministry of National Education.


To limit the cost to families, the Ministry of Education advises schools to limit and harmonize teachers’ requests, schedule purchases, and make bulk purchases as much as possible.
