Driving license

You have access to new information on the My Points Allowed online service

Publié le 15 mars 2024 - Mise à jour le 24 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Among other things, “My license points” allows you to consult the number of points you have on your driver's license free of charge. It replaces the Telepoints online service since November 2023. Since May 2024, you can also check the validity of your license and obtain information on the offenses you have committed.

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Image 1Crédits: Gael Fontaine - stock.adobe.com

On "My Points Allowed", you can now obtain your complete information statement provided you identify yourself with FranceConnect (this means of connection helps protect you against fraud and identity theft). In this document, you can find information about:

  • the validity of your license;
  • the offenses you have committed;
  • the medical examinations you have carried out in connection with your license;
  • the road safety awareness courses you have attended.

Depending on the prefecture of your place of residence, you can also access your complete information statement by making a request:

  • by post;
  • by email;
  • by going there.

In addition, as of March 16, 2024, you also have access, on My Allowed Points, to a projected recovery schedule for the points you have lost (this is the date on which points will be automatically reawarded if you do not commit a new offense in the meantime).

What other services does "My Points Allowed" offer?

On “My license points”, you can also see the number of points you have on your driving license at the time of your connection to this online service. However, if you committed an offense a short time ago, it may not already be registered in the national driver's license system. There is thus a discrepancy between the time when the infringement was committed and the corresponding loss of points on ‘My points allowed’.

Also of note is a deadline for reawarding points following a road safety awareness course. However, reallocations and reinstatements of points after a period without infringement will automatically be displayed on the platform.

On this online service, you can also download a restricted information sheet; it is a document that allows you to certify the validity of your driving license. It indicates the categories of vehicles you can drive and whether or not your driving rights have been suspended. In particular, you may be asked to:

  • by your car insurer;
  • by the operator connecting you to passengers if you are engaged in a chauffeur-driven transport car (VTC) activity;
  • to justify your rights when your civil liability is incurred as a result of a road accident.

To access “My Points Allowed”, you can set up a personal account on this online service or use FranceConnect.

Please note

The accounts set up on “Telepoints”, the online service replaced by “My Points Allowed”, no longer work.
