Medical expenses

Drugs, paramedics and transportation: medical deductible doubled on March 31, 2024

Publié le 21 février 2024 - Mise à jour le 24 avril 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The amount of the medical exemptions applied to boxes of medicines, acts performed by a medical assistant and medical transports doubled on 31 March 2024, following a decree published in the Official Journal February 17, 2024. A published decision on 24 april 2024, it provides for a doubling of the flat-rate contribution on consultations and medical procedures as of 15 may 2024.

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Image 1Crédits: Gorodenkoff -

Lump sum contributions and medical deductibles are sums that are not refundable by mutual societies and that remain, with exceptions, at your expense.

The medical deductibles doubled on March 31, 2024. It is now to:

  • €1 on packs of medicines (or any other packaging unit, such as a bottle), for €0.50 so far;
  • €1 for the actions performed by a medical assistant (nurse, massage therapist, speech therapist, pedicure-podiatrist, psychomotricity sessions performed in specialized care centers...), against 0,50 € previously;
  • €4 on medical transportation (which can be provided by an ambulance, a light sanitary vehicle or a contracted taxi), against 2 € so far.

However, no medical exemption applies to:

  • medicines prescribed during hospitalization;
  • paramedical procedures carried out during hospitalization;
  • emergency transport.

The level of the daily limit on medical deductibles is also changing; this is the maximum amount you are likely to pay when you have several medical procedures in a single day. This ceiling applies only to the acts performed by a medical assistant and to medical transport. The daily limit for medical allowances is now:

  • €4 on acts performed by one or more medical assistants, as against 2 € previously;
  • €8 on medical transportation (knowing that a round trip corresponds to 2 journeys), against 4 € until then.

The annual ceilings remain unchanged. You do not have to pay more than 50 € per year for medical deductibles, or for lump sum contributions.

What has happened to the amount of the flat-rate contribution?

The lump sum contribution is an amount that you must pay (regardless of the cost to be covered by the Health Insurance and your health supplement) during a consultation or an act carried out by a general or specialist doctor, except in particular in the context of a full hospitalization of one or more days.

A decision of 21 March 2024, published in the Official Journal on april 24, indicates that this amount will be €2 from 15 May 2024, against €1 until then.


in particular, medical allowances and lump-sum contributions shall not apply to:

  • children and young people under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant women covered by maternity insurance;
  • to beneficiaries of the solidarity-based health supplement.
