Holiday aid

Pass'colo helps fund a colony for young college students

Publié le 02 avril 2024 - Mise à jour le 28 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Do you have an 11-year-old child you want to send to a colony? You may be eligible for the Pass'colo, a new help to make it easier for 11-year-olds to go on holiday. Discover the award conditions and the amount of the Pass'colo!

Pass'colo is a state-run scheme to encourage children to leave for summer camps in the calendar year of their 11th birthday, a pivotal age for college entry. The aid granted varies between €200 and €300 according to household resources. To benefit, your child must have been born in 2013.

This initiative is the result of the Pact of Solidarity which entered into force on 1er January 2024.

See the list of stays eligible for the scheme.


You can only receive the Pass'coloonly once per child and it must be used during school holidays. It can be combined with other holiday aids.

The amount of the aid

The amount of the Pass'colo is calculated according to your family quotient, and will be deducted directly from the price of the stay (the assistance is paid by Vacaf). Your family quotient (QF) must be less than €1,500.

The scale of aid that may be granted per stay is as follows:

  • Monthly household QF of € 200 or less: €350.
  • Monthly household QF between 201 and 700 €: €300.
  • Monthly household QF between 701 and 1 200 €: €250.
  • Monthly household QF between 1 201 and 1 500 € included: €200.

Please note

the Pass'colo is open to minors who are or have reached the age of 11 during the year of stay. If the pass is not used within the 11-year period, it may be carried over once, to the 12-year period, in the same manner.

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